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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » MPG does not work after restarting the car

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Author Topic: MPG does not work after restarting the car
Posts: 2
Post MPG does not work after restarting the car
on: April 20, 2023 (GMT)

Hi, I have a Citroen C1, on Torque I set the advanced consumption calculation and it works very well.
The problem happens when I power cycle the car, or rather when Torque disconnects and reconnects to the OBD interface for the second time.
Upon reconnection, all the data are read perfectly (Maf, Throttle position, rev counter, etc.), but the data calculated by Torque relating to consumption are blocked. For example, fuel flow remains at 0 and MPG remains at the last value before disconnection.
The only way to restart the consumption calculation is to close and reopen the app.
Am I the only one with this problem?

Posts: 2
Post Re: MPG does not work after restarting the car
on: April 22, 2023 (GMT)

Small update: I tried the same obd adapter with the same torque settings in a Fiat 600 and the consumptions are registered perfectly even after turning the car off and on again, or after disconnecting the OBD adapter and reconnecting it

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