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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Is Torque App and Message Boards dead now?

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Author Topic: Is Torque App and Message Boards dead now?
Posts: 2
Post Is Torque App and Message Boards dead now?
on: February 17, 2023 (GMT)

I am curious if anyone has heard from the developer, the app has not been updated recently and he does not seem to post any longer on this message board. that being said has anyone found or heard of a replacement for torque?

Posts: 642
Post Re: Is Torque App and Message Boards dead now?
on: February 19, 2023 (GMT)

last update of the app is sept 2022 i would not call this old

he show’s up from time to time over here

other app … unless you go for a app specific for your car ..torque is hard to beat

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Is Torque App and Message Boards dead now?
on: March 15, 2023 (GMT)


Still here – there will be some more updates (scripting engine updates for example).

The recent (filesystem, permissions, etc) changes in Android have made things a little more difficult to do, mainly due to some issues/bugs with some implementations of how the files are accessed on shared media which has caused some headaches however the app will always be updated!

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