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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Speedometer bias setting?

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Author Topic: Speedometer bias setting?
Everhard Dawnwood
Posts: 2
Post Speedometer bias setting?
on: December 11, 2022 (GMT)

While most cars ECU get the speed reading pretty spot on, but has a percentage bias on the speedometer, I for one chose the option to increase the wheels size to compensate at get the correct reading on my dash instruments and they are now within a really small margin of accuracy compared to the gps speed.

However, that means that according to the ECU, the car travels 4% slower than it actually does.

Now doing for instance a 0-100kmh measurement with torque, it means torque doesnt measure 0-100, it measures 0-104.

Would there be a setting somewhere in Torque Pro, where I can compensate for that, so that itll add 4% to what it reads from the ECU?

I at one point figured that the difference adds up pretty much with the difference between using the 0-60mph instead, because 60mph = 96.6kmh.

However its a workaround and it only works for that one type of measurement, im looking for a proper solution to the issue and I reckon it should be that hard to add a couple of lines of code that takes the ECU speed input, store it in a variable, then calls a function thatll take that value, add 4% to it and return it in a new variable which is then used for readout and calculations?

Posts: 642
Post Re: Speedometer bias setting?
on: December 11, 2022 (GMT)

probably a custom PID

Corected PID= 0.96 speed pid

Ps by the way your total millage will also be affected
that is illegal but nobody cares lol

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