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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data

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Author Topic: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
Posts: 3
Post Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: February 17, 2012 (GMT)


I have an Audi A4 B6 2002, 3.0L and I’m using Torque for the first time (Great app btw) and I’m having some difficulty getting data from the #1 O2 sensors.

I’m using the kiwi bluetooth adapter.

I am getting data from the #2 sensors on bank 1 and 2 but not for the #1 sensors.

Is this a problem with Torque, the Adapeter or the car itself? I’ve seen sendor data using a program called PC Scan but that was months ago and I was using USB.

In the adapter status information page I get:
* Oxygen Sensors Present
*Bank 1, Sensor 2 Oxygen Sensor & Short Term Fuel Trim
*Bank 2, Sensor 2 Oxygen Sensor & Short Term Fuel Trim

OBD Protocol is ISO14230-4 KWP 5bd
Adapter Version is ELM327 v 1.3
Adapter Error Count = No Errors

is there anything I can do to make it work? Add Pid’s or something?

Any help is appriciated



Posts: 6633
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: February 17, 2012 (GMT)


The B6’s are a little odd, but if Torque is talking to it then that’s good.

The O2 sensors may not output anything until the engine enters closed loop (the sensors have to warm up to a couple of hundred degrees before they start working.

What version of the app are you using? (it’s reported at the bottom of the adapter status screen)

If the vehicle is supplying a value for the O2 sensor then it should be visible in the display (it’s a standard PID that is the same between all vehicle manufacturers)

Posts: 3
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: February 21, 2012 (GMT)

Hi, Thanks for the response.

I drove 20 miles and checked again – so the engine was at operating temperature and still go no data from the 02 sensor bank 1 sensor 1 and bank 2 sensor 1. I was still getting O2 bank 1 sensor 2 and bank 2 sensor 2.

I did try adding the 02 Sensor 1 Equivalence Ratio and did get data from that but I do not know what that widget is for. Could Audi use a combination of O2 1×1 and O2 2×1 instead of using them separately?


Posts: 3
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: February 21, 2012 (GMT)

Sorry – app version is 1.5.46

Posts: 3
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: October 28, 2014 (GMT)

Did you resolve this issue? I have a similar problem with my 2004 vw jetta a4. Two sensors pre and post cat (bank 1 sensors 1 and 2). I get useful readings from sensor 2 but nothing from sensor 1.

I’ve used torque on my Honda civic 2002 and both sensors report meaningful numbers but not the vw. The cel comes on after 300-400 miles, P0420 but no noticable performance issues.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: March 21, 2015 (GMT)

I’m having the same problem with my 06 Vibe. Can’t read 1×1 but reads 1×2. Any help?

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: March 21, 2015 (GMT)

In some car as 1st wideband oxygen sensor is used the sensor that is not monitored by the voltage and current efficiency
so it is data can not go on the diagnosis

Posts: 3
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: March 21, 2015 (GMT)

How do you know if it’s working or not? How is it operating?

Posts: 645
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: March 21, 2015 (GMT)

in my car the first sensor is a wide band sensor instead of a narrow band so it doesn’t show up in the test

Posts: 3
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: March 21, 2015 (GMT)

Does a wide band o2 sensor have the same readings as a narrow band sensor?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: March 14, 2017 (GMT)

I am having a similar issue on my 05 Vibe. O2 Bank1 Sensor2 is around .8v and O2 Bank1 Sensor1 is -.-. I was ready to blame a bad O2 sensor or the fact that I am still using the lite version. I do know that the Sensor1 is a wideband and if it does not read in Volts, is there a way to set up a custom PID to read what it should be reading?
Love the app, I will be purchasing the full app asap. (I know it doesn’t cost much, I’m a broke-as full-time student)
Thanks in advance

Posts: 1
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: September 18, 2017 (GMT)

Toyota Camry 2001 2.2L : CEL P0420 was registered . Before buying OBD ii and torque Pro, both sensors were changed in anticipation that CEL will go away. After using
OBD ii and Torque pro following results were obtained .As reported by other members Same issue of “No activity” on sensor 1 is noticed sensor 2 gives meaningful flip flop voltage of < 1V data but like Pre CAT sensor, . Checked sensor setting, option for selection of “Sensor 1 Voltage” but does not show it as green high lighted item (shows inactive). In order to confirm that OBD ii,Torque pro and CAMRY ECU does not have communication issues, The OBD and torque pro was used on excellent running Honda civic 2007 EX .The results of O2 sensor data were same NO activity on Sensor 1 and flip flop voltage of < 1V data but like Pre CAT,on sensor 2 graph Can anyone help to explain the root cause add how to fix it ? Sensor 1 in both vehicles have 4 wire narrow band sensors.

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: September 19, 2017 (GMT)

most likely you have a broadband oxygen sensor
create external PIDs 0124 and 0134 and see if they will work
description take in Wikipedia

Posts: 2
Post Re: Audi A4 O2 Sensors showing no data
on: March 3, 2021 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on March 21, 2015
In some car as 1st wideband oxygen sensor is used the sensor that is not monitored by the voltage and current efficiency
so it is data can not go on the diagnosis

On most of the cars, first sensor is responsible for air/fuel mixture. So, definitely voltage is available. As on my car. For the after-cat sensor, I’ve no voltage graph

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