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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque update

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Author Topic: Torque update
Posts: 6
Post Torque update
on: February 10, 2012 (GMT)

maybe silly question for you, but how can I always update new version?

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Torque update
on: February 11, 2012 (GMT)


Which version of the app and where have you obtained it from?

Torque Lite and Pro are only available on the Google Android Market. You will always be able to update from here.

If you have it from anywhere else then you likely have it bundled with some malware (password loggers, virus, etc) (as is normally the case with pirated software)



Posts: 6
Post Re: Torque update
on: February 13, 2012 (GMT)

I always get it from Andoid Market, so it means everytime there is a new release I need to pay for it?
I was looking for in settings to enable automatic downloads…

Posts: 7
Post Re: Torque update
on: February 13, 2012 (GMT)

You don’t have to pay again to update your paid application.

To enable “automatic updates”, go to the Android Market from your phone, browse to your installed apps, click on the application you want updates to be installed automatically, and tick “Enable auto updates” (or similar)

By the way, on the Android Market, every paid application is linked to your Google account. So, there’s no need to pay again, if you wipe your phone, or even if you buy a new phone.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Torque update
on: February 14, 2012 (GMT)

correct, thanks

Posts: 2
Post Re: Torque Pro Update Process
on: March 26, 2023 (GMT)

I’ve been searching the forums for information on “How to Update Torque Pro to the latest update”. I’m finding bits and pieces of information in a number of post. However, I may have not hit the mother load post with treassure trove of information in one place. Does it exisist anywhere a “How To” document on the proper steps for the process to properly update to the current release?

I have not used mine in years. But had a need to use this past week. While using it the last few days it has got me excited about picking back up and using it first for the 02 7.3L PSD which I bought it for years ago. And I’m currently in the processof putting a freshly rebuilt 7.3L back in. Although I have 10 guages in view of the pilots seat. I’m going to need my Torque Pro to get it fired up and monitor all the vitals.

Since my Daughter’s taking over my 02 PSD truck, I will be stuck driving my gauge less 2019 6.7L PSD. So I plan to get back to the project I started with the Torque Pro for my 2002 PSD. And fix me up a panel of qauges to mount in my 2019.

Any help would be appreciated.


USAF, Msgt. Ret, AL Reg Forester, Ret. Central Alabama. Enjoy lake living, hunting club, and working on and fixing anything needing fixed such as Ford PSDs, Jeeps, Malibu Boat, Ski-Doos, John Deer Tractors, Gators, mowers , and a recently aquired Forest River 5th RV. Andwhat ever comes up in between

Posts: 645
Post Re: Torque update
on: March 26, 2023 (GMT)

from what i know torque just update it self when a new version show’s up

you can confirm the latest version on the playstore

Posts: 2
Post Re: Torque update
on: March 27, 2023 (GMT)

My current version is 1.8.199. Which I have Troque Pro and a hand full of other Diagnostics Apps and Guage Apps on a Samsung Tab 3. Which have had for years. Just checking on updates for my tablet and some will not update my version of Tab 3.

I have a new Tablet with latest Android and a lot nicer. SO I just downloaded a new version of Torque Pro.

But what I was looking for was proceedure to install an updated version of Torque. Like do you have to have it running in or out of a vehicle? Connected with the OBD module when installing update? Or is a simple over write the app with the latest version?I looked in My Google Play account it shows it there. But doesn’t show an update? I think becuase the version of Android on my Tab 3 is not compatible.

But I got it going on my new Tab Active4 Pro. Cleared codes and set up some test guages for the emission repairs I did yesterday. Took it for a drive. And All is good!

USAF, Msgt. Ret, AL Reg Forester, Ret. Central Alabama. Enjoy lake living, hunting club, and working on and fixing anything needing fixed such as Ford PSDs, Jeeps, Malibu Boat, Ski-Doos, John Deer Tractors, Gators, mowers , and a recently aquired Forest River 5th RV. Andwhat ever comes up in between

Posts: 645
Post Re: Torque update
on: March 27, 2023 (GMT)

if you don’t have and add on or custom pid

easy way to know would be uninstall and reinstall

but there is probably an OFFICIAL way lol

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