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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Slow sample rate for logging

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Author Topic: Slow sample rate for logging
Posts: 1
Post Slow sample rate for logging
on: November 8, 2022 (GMT)

I’ve got Torque Pro set up to log at 0.1 second intervals. Also set with synchronous logging OFF. The car is a 2000 Mazda Miata with OEM ECU, the BT adapter is a brand new VeePeak VP11, my phone is a Samsung Galaxy A42 on Android 12 with all current updates. I’m displaying my logged data on MegaLogViewerHD.

When I view just the real time gauge display with no logging,the data updates quite quickly. For example, RPM and throttle match the tach and my foot. So, I’m relatively confident that the VP11 and the OBD port and car ECU are playing together well.

However, the only thing that logs at 0.1 second is GPS data, which of course comes from the phone. Everything else only updates every second or two. Things that you know are changing constantly, like RPM while accelerating, are notchy and square stepped.

Am I logging too many channels?
Is the phone too slow?
Close all apps but Torque?
How do I know if I’ve got the most current Torque version?
Do I need to try a WiFi or USB cable adapter?
Is logging always just too slow to work the way I expect?
Do I have a real issue or just some kind of noob mistake?
Am I choking it with 0.1 second? Slow it to 0.25?

FWIW, if I use an Excel chart to view the CSV emailed from Torque, the graphs look the same, so I don’t suspect MegaLogViewer.

All comments appreciated.

2000 Mazda Miata
2005 Subaru Outback

Posts: 642
Post Re: Slow sample rate for logging
on: November 8, 2022 (GMT)

weird 1 or 2 seconds

how many points are you recording ??

from what i remember when you look at the gage it only scan for the current gage …so it can go faster

if you record then it has to ask for all data point

do you have some custom PID

when i did measurment ..standard pid request response time was in the 50 ms range

but for custom pid torque was taking a nap lol and was waiting alsmost 250 ms before a resquest

so adding one or two custom pid was slowing down the scanning process by alot

now i’m currently switching communication bus during scan to get my seat belt status …. this is killing my scanning time

it would be a good implementation if you could set high and low priority points

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