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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » PID Speed 30 per sec

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Author Topic: PID Speed 30 per sec
Posts: 4
Post PID Speed 30 per sec
on: October 11, 2022 (GMT)

I have both the OBDLink EX wired and the OBDLink MX and have only been able to get a max speed of ~30 PID/Sec in TorquePro with either of them. I bought the EX for programming with Forscan but figured I would use it with TorquePro for getting better read speed vs. the MX but they are both showing the same ~ 30 PID/sec.

Logs look like crap because the speed is too slow even when just running a log with only HP/TQ/RPM.

Ive done all the troubleshooting and everything is selected for fastest speed. Surely these adapters can at least get 100 PID/Sec or even more with the wired EX?

I have tried using on both Samsung S8 Active and a Lenovo Tablet, neither are the bottleneck.

Any suggestions as to the issue for such slow speed?

I have tried auto Baud and each individually on the wired connection with only 115K connecting (was expecting the 500K or 1M to work with the EX)

Realtime viewing is fine but the data-logging is horrible, too many breaks and gaps in the data. Ive tried .01 up to 1 sec logging intervals with no luck in getting the data consistent and steady for a good graph.

2017 Ford Focus ST

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