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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque Pro and Kitbest Bluettoth adapter

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Author Topic: Torque Pro and Kitbest Bluettoth adapter
Posts: 1
Post Torque Pro and Kitbest Bluetooth adapter
on: June 22, 2022 (GMT)

HI All, complete noob to this and yes, I have searched :)

My kit list is as follows

Car – SEAT Alhambra 2015 diesel
OBD adapter – Kitbest Bluetooth
Mobile: Samsung S20 Ultra

My mission: To capture data from the SEAT via the OBD and export up to Homeassistant using Torque and Tasker. The last bit of this is only for completeness at this point

To summarise I have the Kitbest adapter paired with the mobile and selected in Torque but the only populated entries I seen in the logfile are those originating directly from the mobile such as GPS readings. All the PIDS that I have selected in the app appear as column headings but without any values.

Any suggestions as to how I could trouble shoot this?

I have set the Torque app to only capture when bluetooth is active and not to cycle logs. The size of the logfile increases with time assuming the mobile is in range of the Kitbest adapter.

Into home automation and energy monitoring and currently sembarking on a project to import ECU data from my Seat Alhambra into Home Assistant

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