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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Settings Cleared Always Cleared

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Author Topic: Settings Cleared Always Cleared
Posts: 4
Post Settings Always Getting Cleared
on: January 15, 2022 (GMT)


I have encountered a similar situation before and the solution that worked before is no longer working.

PROBLEM: Every time I close and reopen the app on my phone, the settings reset to the default dials and gauges. I set them up the way I want them and then they are back to the default the next time I open the app.

As I mentioned, I had this problem a few years back and it was resolved by setting the app to be able to read/write to my files. Once I gave it permission, it was great.

However, I recently updated my Pixel3a to Android 12 (which was a mistake anyway) and it seems to clear the settings every time now. I have verified the app has permission to read/write to my files but this is continuing. Google has been ZERO help with this… “for my safety”, no doubt… and so I am hoping someone here has an idea of what might be wrong.

I am running Android 12 on a Pixel 3a and have the most recent version of the app installed.

Thanks for any help or ideas you can provide!


Posts: 6632
Post Re: Settings Cleared Always Cleared
on: January 16, 2022 (GMT)


Are you manually changing the files on the storage outside of the app?

If you are, the storage locations changed (because of requirements in android and google play). The .torque folder is no longer accessible (and not used by the app anymore)

All the app files moved to /sdcard/Android/data/org.prowl.torque/files (make sure you start with the /sdcard/ folder otherwise you will go down an identical set of folders which will not contain the files you are looking for)

Are you using any kind of ‘memory manager’, or permissions manager, or have enabled developer options on the phone at all?

Some of the options in the developer settings can interfere with normal app usage

Also, what version are you using? This can be found in Adapter Settings, (scroll down near the bottom)

Posts: 4
Post Re: Settings Cleared Always Cleared
on: January 20, 2022 (GMT)


Thanks for your response! Answers to your questions:

1) I am not changing files in any way except how they are changed when I set up my gauges and display within the app. Honestly, I’m too dumb to know how to change them any other way.

2) I did find a file in the Internal storage/emulated/O/.torque directory that appears to have been updated when I opened the app just now. If I understood your comment further down, this is not supposed to happen? (It’s a 1.00 kB file but I can’t access the content)

3) Understand the files moved to the /sdcard/ directory but, again, I’m too dense to be able to figure out how to get to it. In fact, I’m not even sure I have an SDCard on my phone? I checked the little slide-out thing on the side (where an SD card would go) and there’s nothing there.) So, this may be the problem. Furthermore, I don’t have the option to “Save to SD Card” in Google files either)

4) I am not using a memory manager nor a permission manager beyond what is organic to the Android operating system. (i.e. System-Apss-permissions) As I mentioned, I gave the app read/write permission for my files.

5) I WAS not in developer mode while having this problem.

6) I can’t find the version number but it is the latest version on Google Play. ( I looked in “OBD@ Adapter settings” since this is the closest I could find to what you were asking.)

At this point, I’m going to get an SDCard and see if that fixes the problem. I will let you know if it does nor doesn’t as soon as I can figure it out.

Thanks again for your help!

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Settings Cleared Always Cleared
on: January 20, 2022 (GMT)


The version number is at the bottom of the Adapter Status screen – I’ll need this before I can start looking

Posts: 4
Post Re: Settings Cleared Always Cleared
on: January 27, 2022 (GMT)

Sorry for the delay. It’s working fine now but I have no idea why. I used it 2-3 times a day for the last 4-5 days and the settings are staying as I set them. I did not add a sim card and didn’t change any settings anywhere else on my phone. I have absolutely no idea what happened.

Regardless, my App version is 1.10.258

Thank you for your time and support with this mystery but please don’t waste any time on it unless I (or someone else) experiences it again.

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