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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Is there any chance to get the GPS data out of OBD2 or CAN?

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Author Topic: Is there any chance to get the GPS data out of OBD2 or CAN?
Posts: 9
Post Is there any chance to get the GPS data out of OBD2 or CAN?
on: January 3, 2022 (GMT)


I’m kind of stuck…

I would like to read GPS informations out of te CANbus of my Toyota Prius gen3 2010 with a navigation unit.

I have a small gizmo in my car, I developed. This gizmo relies on the speed read from CANbus. Regretely, the CANbus speed is up to 2,5 kmh off (not to mension the speed on the speedometer ;))…

It would be nice to read the GPS data from the navigation unit and have the possibility to calibrate the speed read from the CANbus, but, as I understand, TorquePro and other apps communicating with the car through OBD2 protocol or CAN rely on GPS data from the smartphone – right?

Is there any chance to someow get the GPS data out of the onboard navigation unit and use it instead of the Smartpone?

I know, the navigation unit is connected to the CAN network, but I doubt the GPS data is in any way communicated on the CAN (so, I think one can not listen to the CAN and get the GPS data). It would be most likely necessary to demand the GPS data somehow – but here is the end of my knowledge and imagination 😉

Any idea or any thoughts would be greatly apreciated.

Best regards


Posts: 6633
Post Re: Is there any chance to get the GPS data out of OBD2 or CAN?
on: January 4, 2022 (GMT)


GPS data *might* be broadcast on the CAN network (may be available as a request/response PID as well, you’ll need to hunt for that)

This because various devices may make use of it (emission control devices for certain locations enable certain modes) and also for rescue / SOS devices which some manufacturers have (I know mercedes has this type of system)

You’ll need to look at the canbus in monitor mode, capture a snapshot, and see if you can work out what is GPS data – you may have an easier job though as GPS tends to update once per second you may be lucky and see one (probably more non-gps) responses at that frequency (if it is even sent out over CAN). I’m betting someone on the priuschat forums knows though

Posts: 9
Post Re: Is there any chance to get the GPS data out of OBD2 or CAN?
on: January 4, 2022 (GMT)


I asked it in PriusChat beforehand and got not very encouraging responses here:

I am able to here and log the CAN traffic, so your idea with the frame frequency filtering seems to be worth trying.

If you have any tips or ideas – I will very appreciate it!



Posts: 9
Post Re: Is there any chance to get the GPS data out of OBD2 or CAN?
on: January 5, 2022 (GMT)

And eventually an additional question to Torque app.

I am driving my Prius with Hybrid Assistant (HA) logging on each drive.

Is there any possibility to run HA and Torque app in parallel and not get any conflicts?

I have my OBDLink MX+ installed permanently in the car to work with HA, but I have a Y-cable and a second OBDLink MX, which I could connect via Y-cable and use to let Torque scan all PIDs.

The only thing, that concerns me, are conflicts between the two.
How can I configure the Torque, to not to interfere with HA?
Is it possible at all?

Hmmm… I doubt it, but what are you thinking?


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