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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Canbus sniffer to Torque

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Author Topic: Canbus sniffer to Torque
Posts: 6632
Post Re: Canbus sniffer to Torque
on: February 5, 2022 (GMT)


It’s possible something odd is happening on the export – I’ll look at this tomorrow(time permitting or sunday) as a priority as it’s important the export functions properly

By adding things to the display do you mean in the ‘manage pids’ list view?

Data logging it probably trying to optimise – I’ll look at that as it should be a simple fix!

Mihail Zenkov
Posts: 9
Post Re: Canbus sniffer to Torque
on: February 5, 2022 (GMT)

By adding things to the display do you mean in the ‘manage pids’ list view?

In “realtime information”. Possibly as new display type (“text display” ?)

Posts: 29
Post Re: Canbus sniffer to Torque
on: December 23, 2022 (GMT)

Many thanks for adding the direct CANbus & DBC support. I finally got chance to try it and got an EV BMS mostly working but then had some issues with some signals working and some not. Still checking that.
For now I’d like to ask: Is there a direct USB/CAN adaptor supported by Torque? e.g. seeedstudio can analyzer () or similar.
A device like this should support hardware filtering of CAN IDs from the DBC file resulting in reliable operation on fast/heavily loaded CAN busses. Would also support multiple CAN busses….

Posts: 29
Post Re: Canbus sniffer to Torque
on: June 18, 2023 (GMT)

<div class=”quote”><p>Quote from rgwynnjones on December 23, 2022
Many thanks for adding the direct CANbus & DBC support. I finally got chance to try it and got an EV BMS mostly working but then had some issues with some signals working and some not. Still checking that.
For now I’d like to ask: Is there a direct USB/CAN adaptor supported by Torque? e.g. seeedstudio can analyzer () or similar.
A device like this should support hardware filtering of CAN IDs from the DBC file resulting in reliable operation on fast/heavily loaded CAN busses. Would also support multiple CAN busses….</p></div>

Bump on this request. Working in noisy electrical environments it seems BT messages get corrupted resulting in crazy values on Torque gauges. Seems there is no error detect/reject in BT rx on android, or Torque pro but not sure how to prove this. I have proven the data on CAN bus is not corrupted. Looking to connect any CANbus reader directly to Torque via USB/OTG on a tablet or phone. This for testing but also better than BT for permanent installations as the one USB connector can provide power and CAN data for the display.

John Junker
Posts: 2
Post Re: Canbus sniffer to Torque
on: December 23, 2024 (GMT)


I’ve tried canbus / DBC monitor mode. It doesn’t work: there is serious bug blocking this functionality from normal usage. Repro steps are below:

1. Update torque app to the latest version. All previous settings (dashboards, custom PIDs) were lost at this step, but it’s another story.
2. Create new profile. Set
Prefered protocol = CAN / DBC bus monitor
Use separate dashboard layout = Yes
3. General OBD adapter settings
Allow hybrid monitor mode = No (actually tried both options)
Faster communication = Yes (actually tried both options)
4. Prepare a DBC file. I’ve created following file with a single parm:

BO_ 530 212TX: 8 212TX
  SG_ thrustdem : 7|8@0+ (0.4,0) [0|100] "%" 212TX

5. Import DBC file in the Mange Extra PIDs/sensors. Import is “successfully” completed: can monitor is added.
6. (Optional step). Open “Edit” menu for imported can monitor to ensure settings are imported correctly. Even Test button works fine: CAN message is successfully scanned, first byte is parsed and converted to value. So, this part of the program code works fine.
7. Restart Torque app
8. Try to edit can monitor again -> Torque app hangs
9. Try to create digital display linked to the can monitor -> Display doesn’t work
10. Try to jump to the PID editor from the display configuration menu -> OBD PID editor is opened instead of CAN monitor editor with a error in the equation textbox: “Variable CANPID:bla-bla-bla.DBC doesn’t exist”

It looks like there is a error in storing/reading CAN monitor props after import from DBC file or editing. Could you please fix it?


John Junker
Posts: 2
Post Re: Canbus sniffer to Torque
on: December 23, 2024 (GMT)

Ok, looks like I’ve found the root cause.

When CAN monitor is imported from DBC file or edited, monitor’s properties are stored as another DBC file in the folder “Android\data\org.prowl.torque\files\dbc”

For the input file above

BO_ 530 212TX: 8 212TX
  SG_ thrustdem : 7|8@0+ (0.4,0) [0|100] "%" 212TX

Internal DBC file is a long file ending with lines:

BU_: 212TX

BO_ 530 212TX: 8 212TX
 SG_ thrustdem : 7|8@0+ (0,4,0) [0|100] "%" 212TX

The decimal delimiter of the scale factor in the last line is comma, which is taken from the android language/region settings, but it should always be dot regardless of system settings. That’s the root cause. Could you please fix it?

P.S. This doesn’t solve the issue with jumping to PID settings from the display configuration.

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