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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torquepro doesn't connect with my 2 elm327 WiFi adapters anymore

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Author Topic: Torquepro doesn't connect with my 2 elm327 WiFi adapters anymore
Posts: 32
Post Torquepro doesn
on: December 26, 2021 (GMT)

Hi. I’ve not used this app in about a year. It use to work along with dash command that I preferred more regularly but now upon checking to clear a fault code both don’t connect at all anymore. Torque usually crashes when opening my vehicle profile too. I’ve 2 different elm327 WiFi adapters that both work fine with car scanner and other obd2 apps on the playstore which I now have to use, so unsure what’s changed with updates in this and dash command. As both used to work no problem. It’s not an adapter problem. It’s either updates to the app, android version or this mobile no longer compatible l?

Car is a mk1 leon cupra R.

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 26, 2021 (GMT)


You’re one of the people I’ve seen on my dashboard with crashes on the ThinQ (it’s caused by an OS bug on LG only, and *hopefully* the beta which I just released should fix that – it’s just pending approval by Google and if you join the beta the version is 1.10.194) – I would be interested if this fixes the crash issue on that phone

The other issue, not connecting could be one of a couple of things. Usually it’s one of the following:

* It’s a Chinese clone adapter and it’s no longer functioning (it can happen with some of the ebay clones and the sellers are aware of this issue with some of them)

* The wrong adapter is selected in the main app settings (or in the vehicle profile if you’ve overridden it in the advanced settings) – select it in the main app settings just in case

* You’ve got another OBD2 adapter and it has the same name as the previous one, but you are still using the ‘old’ paired adapter in your bluetooth settings – simple one to rule this out, delete the pairing in your android settings and then re-pair with the adapters. Once that’s done, re-select it in the app

* Or lastly, another app/program/laptop is connected to the adapter. The adapters only allow one connection at a time (then ignore all other connection attempts) so if another app has connected to the adapter then Torque will be unable to connect, so check that there’s no other apps connected to it

That’s about the only things that can stop a successful connection to the app – check the ‘Adapter Status’ screen to see what the app is doing when trying to connect to the adapter as this should be helpful as well

If the crashes don’t stop after the update, then you may need to uninstall the app and then reinstall it – this is because of another bug on LG devices which cause updates to corrupted when they are installed

Hope this helps

Posts: 32
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 26, 2021 (GMT)

Hi. I’ve removed old data, cleared cache etc, old vehicle profile etc. Uninstalled and reinstalled several times and constantly completely crashes and hangs opening settings or vehicle profile menus.

The WiFi Elm devices haven’t corrupted or broke as they work a treat with car scanner and obd doctor.

Doesn’t work at all with dash command and torque. I. Don’t know what’s changed with android updates or whatever. But I’m sure they worked over a year ago. I’ve not had a code to clear until the other day when I accidentally dropped from 2nd to 6th and caused a code lol

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 27, 2021 (GMT)

for the Wifi adapter, the Location permission was not forgotten to be given for the application, disable the transmission of mobile data

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 27, 2021 (GMT)

Checked and this is working – you haven’t still got one of the other apps connected to the adapter have you? That’s the only thing that would prevent torque from connecting (other than an incorrect IP address and port)

Check the adapter status screen as that will show you what the app is triyng to connect to (in paticular, the IP and port), and make sure you have selected WiFi connection type in the app (and restarted)

Posts: 32
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 29, 2021 (GMT)

No. Torque simply says idling, doesn’t do anything at all. No other apps run. I’ve only just recently had to go a different app route due to torque and dash no longer connecting to the device, let alone the ecu. Even though nothings changes on the 2 WiFi adapters. Otherwise why does car scanner and obd doctor work instantly. Obd fusion won’t connect though, that’s probably the next nearest app to torque.

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 29, 2021 (GMT)


If it says idle then the adapter either refused the connection, or the IP/Port settings are incorrect for the adapter you have

Go to:

Settings, OBD2 Adapter Settings, (Scroll down to ‘Wifi Preferences’) and check the IP address and port are the same as the apps that are working (in case you have changed the adapter defaults). The defaults are: and port 35000

Then go into the vehicle profile, hit the advanced button, (scroll down) and check that the “Connect using this adapter” setting is set to “as defined in global OBD2 preferences”

Then quit and restart Torque (this just speeds up the reconnection process with any changed settings)

If it does not reconnect after this, the something is already connected to the WiFi adapter, which is blocking the connection that Torque is trying to make

Posts: 32
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 29, 2021 (GMT)

Already using the same settings. Trying to connect to that exact ip etc but it just has none of it. I don’t think it attempts to connect to the WiFi adapters at all. Both just flash blue occasionally waiting to establish something. Torque simply keeps crashing everytime you open a pre existing vehicle profile or settings. If you do a fresh install it will let you create a profile or go in settings, but crashes anytime after that, definitely if you quit and restart the app. This obviously doesn’t run right on LG g7 anymore.

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 29, 2021 (GMT)


Google play has corrupted the installation on your device when it did the update – this is a problem I’m seeing on lots of LG phones

You’ll need to uninstall and reinstall the app which will fix the crashes – basically the LG has half-updated the app and it is missing parts

You may find that joining the beta helps a lot as I’m currently looking at a workaround for the google play corruption issue in the latest beta

Posts: 32
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 29, 2021 (GMT)

Car scanner has basically 2 initial main settings. WiFi
Seat OBDII-EOBD. Connects instantly. Obd doctor connect the same too, no issues. I’ve just bought obd fusion but that also won’t connect either. It’s like that, torque and dash command have changed something or the apps simply no longer compatible. Torque light also don’t connect. If Doctor and scanner connect immediately under the same default ip, what’s stopping the others? I’ve tried removing all and just reinstalling torque. Same issue.

Posts: 32
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 29, 2021 (GMT)

Hi. I’m part of the beta. Always have been, I’ve tried without participating in the beta. What’s also weird, most times uninstalling torque, cache etc, it still keeps the vehicle profile on most occasions. Maybe I should delete all trace of torque using ES

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 29, 2021 (GMT)


It’s quite likely not working because of the corrupted installation – if you can check the version, the beta should be 1.10.210 (or later)

Once re-installed from scratch (I would offer to reboot the phone as well after the uninstall, just to be sure) then you should be up and running – all the WiFi adapters should be compatible and I know the ones you have should be working (I have several I test with here and initially tried a couple just to make sure the wifi code was working, which it is)

We need to get the installation fixed first, which after that happens I suspect thing will ‘just start working’….

Posts: 32
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 29, 2021 (GMT)

Same problem. Crashes soon as you go into settings or vehicle profile area. The old profile just doesn’t delete either. I’ve tried using revo uninstaller to no avail. ES to clean and delete old data is the only way to remove old profile stuff but still crashing when doing a fresh restart and install, somethings borked lol

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 29, 2021 (GMT)

Thanks for the feedback, still trying to narrow this down

Can you confirm the language you have the phone set to?

Posts: 32
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 30, 2021 (GMT)

English, or auto. I can’t even get into settings anymore. It hangs and black screens and does nothing till you force quit or android itself tells you it’s not working. I use an upto date LG g7 still.

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 30, 2021 (GMT)


Thats odd – I’ve spent last night upgrading my LG G5 as much as I can to it’s last version (android 8) and that is working (and all the android 10, 11 and 12 emulator and test devices I have here it’s working on those as well)…

I have done some work on the settings and vehicle profile based on your previous comments about the settings hanging….

So far nothings come back in the google play console about the hangs but I’ve had a couple of guesses as to what it could be and made some changes in the latest beta just released 1.1.220 (you may need to reboot to get google play to see the beta update).

If you have the time I would be greatful if you could get that latest version and see if it fixes the issues you have!

Posts: 32
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 30, 2021 (GMT)

Tried latest beta. Still crashing soon as you open settings. I’m on android 10 v30f Europe version. I’ve removed all torque data after uninstalling too. Strange…

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 30, 2021 (GMT)


Ok, I think I’m getting closer with this and hopefully the 1.10.224 beta (should be available in about an hour) may sort things out

I would recommend uninstalling again first before you install the latest .224 beta (you shouldn’t need to use a file utility this time, just removing and not keeping data should suffice)

Posts: 32
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 30, 2021 (GMT)

Nope, sadly it’s still crashing

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Torquepro doesn
on: December 30, 2021 (GMT)


Ok thanks for testing

This seems something very specific to your device only thats happening and I’m not sure what, but I would like to find out what it is

– so to verify what’s going on:

The app starts up ok
The menu, settings option crashes
The dashboard works?
The ‘test results’ screen works?
The vehicle profile screen works or crashes?
The ‘Adapter Status’ screen works?

When the crash happens, it might be worth installing a ‘logcat’ viewer, then making the app crash, then sending me the logs to (this should hopefully give an very good idea as to what is going on)

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