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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Logging Folder inaccessible after Update

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Author Topic: Logging Folder inaccessible after Update
Posts: 4
Post Logging Folder inaccessible after Update
on: December 3, 2021 (GMT)


since the alst Update, the Torque Logs are now stored in a folder, where they are not accessible by any app but Torque itself.

The Logs used to be in the Main Storage under /TorqueLogs but since the last update, they are now in the main Storage under /Android/data/org.prowl.torque/files/TorqueLogs. The /Android/data/[…] folder cannot be accessed by apps like Tasker.

The Logs are also not under the SD-card folder in /sdcard/Androif/org.prowl.torque/torqueLogs as mentioned in the latest changelog.

Then, there is a bug with the webserver upload. It is not possible to get torque to upload data to my webserver. It works in the local network with the ip address, but not with the public address.

http://ip/upload.php -> works (but only local of course)
http://public.address/upload.php -> not working (while closing, torque it gives a message “still uplaoding – xxx log entries left…”). But i can open the site http://public.address/upload.php on my phone and get the “OK!” response and if i add any GET parameters (i.e. http://public.address/upload.php?id=xyz&xx=yy), i can validate the request on my webserver, therefore it must be a problem with the torque app itself. My webserver is externally reachable via a Dataplicity wormhole.

So since the last update i am not able to automatically process the data from torque and store them in my home automation system anymore. Till the last update, everything worked fine.

Could the author of the app please revert the last changes regarding the log folder and make them accessible again? Or if this is not possible, pelase fix the problem with the webserver upload.

Thank you in advance :)

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Logging Folder inaccessible after Update
on: December 4, 2021 (GMT)


Unfortunately the log folder changes are not revertable as Google Play will not accept updates now using the older methods for accessing files on the SD card. This is part of the ‘Scoped Storage’ updates that google are now enforcing for any app being updated on the app store. I will see if I can improve this, however be aware that tasker will also have difficulty in accessing files due to these restrictions as well!

I’ll look at the other issues re web uploading – they’re working here so I’m not sure if you’re hitting some form of transparent proxy inbetween you and your server that may be breaking things or there is some other issue (possibly due to another restriction in android to do with networking which I will look into)

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Logging Folder inaccessible after Update
on: December 4, 2021 (GMT)

update on this:

The logging folder will now be back in the sdcard Documents torqueLogs location (it will be a duplicate of the internal folder) in 1.10.150

Posts: 3
Post Re: Logging Folder inaccessible after Update
on: December 7, 2021 (GMT)

The TorqueLogs folder has the generated log files but they’re all blank. 1.10.150 on Android 9.

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