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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque paid version crashing/not opening

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Author Topic: Torque paid version crashing/not opening
Posts: 4
Post Torque paid version crashing/not opening
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)

Hi. I have S21 Ultra and can’t get the app to work no matter what I do. I have installed then reinstalled, everything that I have seen online to do with no luck. I actually use this app very often and want to continue. There’s only one other that is even close to Torque Pro but I try to keep only one type of app genre installed if at all possible. I had some logs as well and hope to be able to look at them again. Last try was 11/26/21 , at aprx 9:15pm Eastern. Please email me if you find the issue or a way to get through it. I have heard the S21 Ultra cell phones were having problems with Bluetooth connectivity but heard it was resolved as well. Thanks in advance, dgmenace73

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Torque paid version crashing/not opening
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)


Please see this thread:

It appears to be an issue unique to the operator customisations for samsungs android 12 update for the S21, but only affecting a few people (I have an S21 ultra here now and it’s working fine, which is annoying as I can’t reproduce the issue a few users are having with different apps after an 11 to 12 update)

But it *seems* that if you have fully factory reset your S21, after Android 12 has been installed, then set the phone up again, that this issue no longer happens with any apps that would have previously crashed.

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