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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21

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Author Topic: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
Posts: 1
Post App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 24, 2021 (GMT)

My Phone recently updated to android 12, since then the app crashes every time I try to open it up. Has any one experienced this and if so were you able to fix it?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 26, 2021 (GMT)


Are you using the latest version from Google Play? Torque is only distributed on Google Play and updates are always free

There was an issue with older versions with Android 12 but this was fixed in the latest update and should be working

Edit: Currently trying to source an S21 Ultra to see if this is an issue(and can debug it) or has already been fixed in previous updates. This is working on other Android 12 handsets though

Posts: 1
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 26, 2021 (GMT)

Samsung S21 Ultra updated to Android 12 and having this same issue.

Have un-installed and re-installed Torque Pro multiple times. Restarted phone after uninstall and after re-install each time before opening and the app still instantly crashes.

The version that is being installed on the S21 Ultra here on my end shows that it was last updated 10/24/21 version 1.10.134. I do not see any way to download a newer version.

Torque Lite works fine.

This has been going on since at least 11/17 (I had not used it for a while before then).

Posts: 6629
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 26, 2021 (GMT)

Got an S21 ultra now on my desk, so far I have not encountered any issues with the app on the beta 1.10.136 and 1.10.134….

How much free space do you have left on your SD card? This could be an issue if the data migration runs out of space, but so far Im not able to reproduce the issue you are having (The data migration doesn’t run on android 12 so it’s unlikely to be this)

Also, has a pirated version of the app ever been used on the device (this can mess up file permissions for various internal folders which can then cause issues when android enforces permissions (such as with the scoped storage updates to android 12))?

Lastly, if it’s none of the above, then can you:

* Uninstall the app

* Temporarily rename the /sdcard/torqueLogs folder to something different (even just removing the ‘s’ from the end is good enough) and also doing the same for the /sdcard/Documents/torqueLogs folder (then reinstalling the app (you may need a *good* file manager or adb debug connection to achieve this for *both* the current and legacy folder locations

* Reinstall the app, see if it starts

This will help me narrow down what is causing issues for you – so far this only appears to affect a couple of S12 ultra users so it will be interesting to see what is causing the problem so I can get it fixed

Posts: 2
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 26, 2021 (GMT)

I have had Torque Pro for many years and it hasn’t worked right on my Samsung Galaxy S21 5G (USA T-Mobile). THe Track Recorder didn’t record video, only audio.
Now that my phone updated to Android 12 yesterday, Torque won’t even launch. I’ve tried recommendations above and even joined the Beta program, but no success. Please help. THe last time Torque worked properly was on my old Galaxy S9 phone.
I have not recently tested Torque Lite since I have the paid app with Track Recorder add-in. I want the full feature set.
I can put phone in debugging mode and send logs privately if needed.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 26, 2021 (GMT)


I’ve updated the beta track to 1.10.138 (you should see this beta in a few hours once Google approve it)

I’m not sure what’s causing the issues on the S12 Ultra, its weird as the one I have here works perfectly. Because of this I’ve made a few changes and would appreciate any feedback if this makes a difference

If not, can anyone (that trusts me) zip up their torqueLogs folder(which resides in /sdcard/Documents/torqueLogs) and send a link to download it to – I think the issue is with this folder and could do with finding out if this is indeed the case.

Also the /sdcard/Andrdoid/org.prowl.torque folder would also be helpful if you are able to get hold of it. This will help me duplicate your setup and should help with attempting to reproduxe the problem.

If the beta works for you when it updates (1.10.138) then you won’t need to send this, just let me know it suddenly worked and I’ll know where the issue is


Posts: 4
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)

I’m having same issues. I am willing to help!

Posts: 6629
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)

Can you all tell me what operator/network you are using? I’m beginning to wonder if the operator customisations for the phone have broken something in android. (this is because it’s working for me here on an S21 Ultra running Android 12 on the three network)

Also please try the latest 1.10.138 beta (1.10.140 will be released once Google approve it which has some more changes to try to find out where this issue is (that I can’t reproduce here)). Feedback will be extremely helpful!

Posts: 3
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)

I’m on Verizon here in the US just installed the beta version ending 138 and still crashes on launch even enabled all permissions for the app didn’t have option for files just media.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update samsung S21
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)

Hi, thanks, that at least rules out one thing for me – hopefully 1.10.140 will shed some additional light on this when Google approve the beta update

So far, this appears to be an issue with some updates on the S21 that quite a few people are experiencing with other apps as well. It will be interesting to see what the actual issue is as it looks like the process of updating on a ‘used’ phone from android 11 to android 12 is the problem, and the issue does not *appear* to happen on a ‘clean/fresh’ factory reset install on the S21:

Additionally, if anyone has the time, a logcat just after the crash would be ideal as I may be able to workaround the issue


Posts: 5
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)

Hi guys, trying to help with this.
Currently on beta 1.10.140.
S21 ultra on tmobile.
Used app over 5 years no issues.
Update on phone 3 days ago and will not open now.

Posts: 5
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)

Under permissions the only option is access to media only, not access to all files, could that be an issue?

All files is not even an option.

Posts: 5
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)

Also, doing a clean install it does not add for access to any permissions, torque lite does


Went back to 1.8.205 and it worked.

App asked to agree to permissions on install.

And them opened perfectly

Posts: 6629
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)


I think I have managed to find what I believe the issue is, and that it appears to be part of Google Play Services/GMS that isn’t updating or working properly after the android 12 update (but does work fine on a clean, factory reset S21 Ultra device)

This appears to be the issue causing the app to crash when google services are access upon start:

  at (
  at (
  at (
  at$H.handleMessage (
  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (
  at android.os.Looper.loopOnce (
  at android.os.Looper.loop (
  at (
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method)
  at$ (
  at (
Caused by:[key]: 
  at (Unknown Source:4)
  at (Unknown Source:95)
  at (
  at (
  at (
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 
  at java.lang.Runtime.load0 (
  at java.lang.System.load (
  at (Unknown Source:11)
  at (Unknown Source:90)

This usually means an issue with Google Services/GMS installation, and likely something was missed in the update(this also explains why factory reset S21 Ultras are working fine). This looks like a botched samsung update that is at the root cause of this.

Downside is there’s nothing I can do my end if it is this (if I could fix it I would! but this is happening in the VM just before the app starts) – the issue is inside android itself and will be affecting a number of apps, not just Torque

Currently, the only known cure for this so far is a wipe and factory-reset of the affected handset and then reinstalling from a backup/etc. This also seems to tally up on what is being said on:

I have not seen any other workarounds, however have not tried clearing cache & data for:

* Uninstall Torque (and any other affected app)
* Clear cache&data: Google Services Framework (it’s a system app so you’ll need to tick them menu option to unhide it when showing the app list)
* Clear cache&data: Google Play Services
* Reboot
* Reinstall Torque
* See if that helps without having to reset the entire phone to factory settings.

The above might work, though I have not tried it as annoyingly I can’t reproduce the error on my clean S21 ultra here. Feedback appreciated!

Posts: 5
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)

Tried above and did not work.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 27, 2021 (GMT)


Unfortunately at the moment the only immediate fix is to factory reset the phone(until Samsung send out an OS update to fix their mess) as this is known to work.

I have updated the beta again (1.10.142) with yet more changes which is currently pending google to approve the release on Google Play. Hopefully we’ll make progress with this update as there are some changes near GMS that I have tried to make that might make a difference. If it doesn’t then it may need samsung to release an update OS (or factory reset the android device and reinstall) to fix the issue as it’s not that app that’s at fault at this point, I’m just trying to work around the issued created by the botched update

Edit: 1.10.144 is now in beta with one more idea that may workaround the bad android 12 update on the S21

Posts: 3
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 28, 2021 (GMT)

Installed 1.10.144 update and now launches will check connection with car later today.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 28, 2021 (GMT)

Brilliant! That means I now know that it’s one of 2 things causing the issue, which helps me a lot, thankyou for the feedback 73 de g0tai

Posts: 2
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 28, 2021 (GMT)

Quote from KB3NZQ on November 28, 2021
Installed 1.10.144 update and now launches will check connection with car later today.

Tested with my S21 and the latest Beta will now launch but claims there is no BT connection and also claims ECU not connected.

Posts: 5
Post Re: App Crashes Instantly after android 12 update s21
on: November 28, 2021 (GMT)

Quote from admin on November 28, 2021
Brilliant! That means I now know that it’s one of 2 things causing the issue, which helps me a lot, thankyou for the feedback 73 de g0tai

You got it working for me too!

142 did not open, but 144 is perfect. Just tried it on the car and working well.

Thanks for the quick fix, whatever it was!

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