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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » The key to getting more PIDs working

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Author Topic: The key to getting more PIDs working
Posts: 38
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 1, 2012 (GMT)

does anyone know, from a legal standpoint, if as the owner of a vehicle you the owner is entitled to access all information the vehicle has to offer, meaning the manufacturer is obligated to tell you all of the pid’s supported if you ask for them? might be different country to country, etc…? any ideas?

Posts: 117
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 1, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from Torque_Kid on January 31, 2012


07E0 22 096D
ecuID mode pid

this looks like a query to the specific ecu since ecu ID’s are 07E0-07E7 with response ID’s of ecuID+8.

SAEJ2190 seems odd, why mode-22 pid 0200 for DTC count? DTC count for standard public obd2 is mode-1 pid 0x01 returns 4bytes (ABCD), A0-A6 is binary for # of DTC’s, A7 indicates MIL light on or off.

That is the PID for DTCs on the Scangauge II for Ford diesels 2003-2007 6.0L.

What this does is count codes that also do not turn on the Light. In other words, it shows us “pending codes”. Codes that wont turn on the light until a certain number of drive cycles have taken place. I use it on the Scangauge II all the time. I had a count of 1 not long ago, sadly the Scangauge II doesn’t show which codes those are, yet this Torque APP can pull up those “pending codes”. Which brings me back to Torque APP more and more.

Every gauge I use in the Scangauge II Xgauge system are all 07E0 22 xxxx.

I have a huge list that I can use. Currently I have 22 installed.

here is the list. ( I know absolutely zero about the math for these)

Northwest United States

Tom B
Posts: 10
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 6, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from Torque_Kid on January 28, 2012
i am looking for a not so pricey CAN bus data logger, it simply logs everything that is on the CAN, etc.

you should be able to this with the adapter you use for toque.

download an ELM327 terminal program such as:

and issue the command
if you get too much data too fast you can skim it down with
> AT MR hh
Where hh is the hex address of the intended message recipient, or
> AT MT hh
where hh is the sender’s address.

for a full list of commands, try the ELM website.


Posts: 192
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 8, 2012 (GMT)

@ johndoe please give me Jeep 1996-2002 pids for ABS Brakes, Airbag, Transmission temp etc and you can marry my sister…. :)

Posts: 21
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 13, 2012 (GMT)


Please check my posts today about additional PIDs for my 2001 Ford Excursion 4WD Powerstroke Diesel and 2005 Jeep Liberty CRD (KJ, Cherokee in UK).

I would like to purchase extended extended PIDs for both vehicles.

Please contact me with pricing and time frame.


Posts: 18
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 13, 2012 (GMT)

Any GM Chevy Volt PIDs.. In particular

High Voltage Battery Current
High Voltage Battery Voltage
Motor A Torque
Motor A Torque Cmd
Motor B Torque
Motor B Torque Cmd
Driver Intended Brake Torque
Regen Braking Axle Torque (Estimated)
Regen Braking Axle Torque Req
Total AC Energy Used Durning Last Charge
Total HV Energy Used Durning Last Charge
Total LV Energy Used Durning Last Charge
Axle Torque (Actual)
Axle Torque Commanded (Immediate)
Driver Intended Axle Torque
Engine Actual Torque

I’ll gladly do any computations/testing (can figure the scaling if you can provide some basic PID numbers.. I can figure the rest out..

Posts: 9
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 13, 2012 (GMT)

Any chance to get the PID´s für Boost Air Temp and Knock Retard for the Mazdaspeed 3 GEN 2? There are many users wich would pay for that (including me).
You would make many people happy.

Posts: 19
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 13, 2012 (GMT)


Knock Retard
Pid = 221746
Equation = (B4 * 0.3515) Degree

Boost Air Temperature
Pid = 221723
Equation = ((B4 * 0.6239) – 40) Celcius

For the rest of the comments above. I am only setup for Mazda and Ford.

Posts: 9
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 13, 2012 (GMT)

I forgot one. Do you also know the PID for Wastegate Duty Cycle?

i will Test them tomorow. Is there a way to get access to the tire pressure Sensors?

Are you sure that this pids are working? because Mazda changed the BAT and KR PIDs in the gen2 Mazdaspeed.

And can i type in the PID into Torque directly how you wrote it? What should i type in into “Header” ? Auto? Or leave it blank?

Posts: 19
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 13, 2012 (GMT)


Those pids are CAN BUS from 2006 Mazda 3. I think it is Generation I. So, it will do you no good. Sorry. What year did the Generation II started? I have nothing on 2009 and newer.

I am not sure how to use the Torque application. I do not have one.

Posts: 9
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 13, 2012 (GMT)

GenII startet in 2009. Damned i thought that a dream came true :(

Posts: 192
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 14, 2012 (GMT)


Oh my! Nothing for my beloved Jeep. Thanks for the heads up bro. Great effort we all appreciate. Ian might want to have a look at your equations for later updates to Torque….. :)

Posts: 2
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 18, 2012 (GMT)


can you help me to find AFR PID for 2004 BMW 525i? DME MS45.0 and kwp2000 standard. I very need it for tune. I have also ECU file.

Thank you!

Posts: 6
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 28, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from admin on January 28, 2012
You could make the information publically available on your site – people can add PIDs to the free version as well as the paid, so from that standpoint the app is pretty neutral

I think Torque should have “crowd sourcing” for the PIDs, with this I mean easy ability to upload found PIDs from plugins like torque scan and/or sharing the customer entered PIDs.

Naturally if PID ‘source/uploader’ complies with some free license.

Using CSV export and some forum is just too complex for most of us. But if Torque had peer-to-peer PID-plugin to test PIDs if they output anything on my ECU…….. I’d use it.

Posts: 3
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: February 28, 2012 (GMT)

Hi johndoe,
Nice to see someone so knowledgable on the forum!

I have a 2005 Mazda 6 (Diesel). I’ve been trying to use the Torquescan plugin to brute force scan the extended PID’s without success. Are you able to share any information with me? PIDs/header information would be fantastic. I particularly want EGR related PIDs, but any extended PIDs which might get me started are appreciated.


Quote from 355188040081550 on January 29, 2012
Hello Mercedes,

It is more complicated then that. I do it differently.

Good News!!!
I just discovered today I can do Mazda CAN BUS system for Powertrain, ABS, Power Steering, Cluster, Transmission, and few others. 2003 up to I believe 2007. Powertrain appears Mode22. Like Mazda 3,6 and so on. This can hurt small software venders reputation if I pursue this. You understand what I am saying. What you think I should do?

Posts: 13
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: March 25, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from Torque_Kid on February 1, 2012
does anyone know, from a legal standpoint, if as the owner of a vehicle you the owner is entitled to access all information the vehicle has to offer, meaning the manufacturer is obligated to tell you all of the pid’s supported if you ask for them? might be different country to country, etc…? any ideas?

I would imagine if you joined a group to aquie PID’s then there would be an agreement “not to disclose” that information or else there would be no need for anyone else to join. BUT if you aquire the same information by reverse engineering then you would be not be bound by a non-disclosure agreement.

Way back when Compaq hired an engineer who had never worked for them to reverse engineer the IBM PC’s BIOS and write a functionally identical BIOS for them. It went to court an Compaq prevailed. IBM is now out of the PC business and they have never been cheaper.

If JohnDoe wishes to keep his ways and means to him self, lay off him and enjoy the results.

99 Dodge RAM 2500 Magnum V10

Posts: 13
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: March 25, 2012 (GMT)

If possible, my 1999 RAM 2500fog V10 is missing trip mileage, I could use fuel levels and anything else you can throw together.

I hope boundless is still in business and this post doesn’t get Wini-leaked out of business. :-)

99 Dodge RAM 2500 Magnum V10

Posts: 4
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: April 5, 2012 (GMT)

Hi johndoe,

I understand that your only setup for ford and mazda right now.

Are you able to supply me the PID for oil temp for a 2009 Ford Falcon?

It might be something along the lines of mode 22 query, PID 0907 and PCM heading 7E0 but I’m only guessing and have been unsucessful so far including the equation.


Posts: 9
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: April 5, 2012 (GMT)


Have any PIDs for Porsche?

Posts: 43
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: April 5, 2012 (GMT)

Chrysler (Chrysler-Jeep-FIAT) refuses to sell a service manual or wiring information for anything under warrenty. This means 2009 models are the latest available to owners.

The AutoEngenuity tool seems the most comprehensive but is 0 for the tool and Chrysler plug in. OTOH a readout of all the supported parameters is over 800 pages.

Only a limited number of standard codes are supported. TorqueScan finds about 20 parameters.


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