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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » The key to getting more PIDs working

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Author Topic: The key to getting more PIDs working
Posts: 67
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 29, 2012 (GMT)

Hi “Mr. Doe” 😀

What do you need to unveil the Codes used for Mercedes. I can mail you the full TorqueScan-Log as well as the protocol being used.

Or is it just money? 😉

Posts: 19
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 29, 2012 (GMT)

Hello Mercedes,

It is more complicated then that. I do it differently.

Good News!!!
I just discovered today I can do Mazda CAN BUS system for Powertrain, ABS, Power Steering, Cluster, Transmission, and few others. 2003 up to I believe 2007. Powertrain appears Mode22. Like Mazda 3,6 and so on. This can hurt small software venders reputation if I pursue this. You understand what I am saying. What you think I should do?

Posts: 67
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 29, 2012 (GMT)

Okay. I’ll hope for the Mercedes / Audi PIDs :) If you need something, write it in this forum.

Just send them to Ian if you want. :)

Posts: 10
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 29, 2012 (GMT)


I have a 2006 Toyota Tundra. Can you reverse engineer the pids for these sensors:

Humidity Sensor
Transmission Temperature
Room(Inside) Temperature Sensor
Outside Temperature Sensor
Remaining Oil Life
Fuel Level
Tire #1 air pressure
Tire #2 air pressure
Tire #3 air pressure
Tire #4 air pressure

Posts: 10
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 29, 2012 (GMT)

List of Ford sensors:

List of GM sensors:

List of Toyota sensors:

List of Chrysler sensors:

List of Mazda sensors:

List of Nissan sensors:

List of BMW sensors:

List of Honda sensors:

List of Hyundai sensors:

List of LandRover sensors:

List of Jaguar sensors:

List of Subaru sensors:

List of Porsche sensors:

List of Isuzu sensors:

List of Mitsubishi sensors:

List of Audi sensors:

List of Mercedes sensors:

Posts: 38
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

those are just descriptions, what are the PID’s for those???

how could you know what the pid’s mean if they dont have descriptions on the bus?? and, if i said i had a 2010 corolla (US) that has pid 220A on the bus how could you possibly know what that means (by “reverse engineering” it, etc)? mode-21 and mode-22 seem to be very proprietary pid’s and vary across manufacturers. so please explain this mystery reverse engineering you do.

2nd, i know piemmm said mode00 only works for mode-1 for “pid’s supported”, but for some implementations of OBD-2 (like EOBD) the ECU(s) should respond to a pid that gives “pid’s supported”. so i guess it’s best to start with querying 011C to see which implementation the ECU(s) is.

query pid ([mode][pid] for EOBD)
0100 pid’s supported 1-20
0120 pid’s supported 21-40
0140 pid’s supported 41-60
0160 pid’s supported 61-80
0180 pid’s supported 81-A0
01A0 pid’s supported A1-C0
01C0 pid’s supported C1-E0

0500 pid’s supported 1-20

0600 pid’s supported 1-20
0611 pid’s supported 21-40
0623 pid’s supported 41-60
0634 pid’s supported 61-80
063D pid’s supported 81-A0
0648 pid’s supported A1-C0
065C pid’s supported C1-E0
065D pid’s supported E1-FF

0900 pid’s supported 1-20

if anyone can add this this please do……

Posts: 10
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from Torque_Kid on January 30, 2012
those are just descriptions, what are the PID’s for those

I do not know the pids. I was hoping that johndoe could tell us.

Posts: 19
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

Yes, Toyota with and without CAN BUS can be done. I am not into Toyota at the moment.

Torquekid some things are better left unsaid.

By the way people, I can do 250 Mazda Powertrain Pids. Nice list!

Cylinder Temp: 221624
Desired Rpm: 22096E
EGR 1-4: 2216D2
Generator Monitor: 220939
Gear Status: 221101

I am throwing in few pids to prove my truth to you people. Equations and units are available as well.

Posts: 38
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

i dont think you have proved anything. all of those pid’s are well documented and available, at minimum, to anyone who is willing to pay for the extended pid info (like many of the scan tool companies do).

i think what you are saying is great as i believe i paid for this knowledge when i bought my vehicle. so why not post you “magic” reverse engineering how-to on some bucket site like pastebin or something??

Posts: 17
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

What is your point in throwing teasers. If your motives are as you stated, and if you know all these PID and formulas, why don’t you just post them

Posts: 19
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

Look here. I am not trying to tease anyone in here. If you feel that way then I apologize. This is way to much data to document. If anyone in here is interested in a pid post here and if available I will reply with the equation and name. Ford and Mazda is setup right now. Start with Powertrain. What sensors do you need?

Posts: 19
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

Enjoy Silent.
kwp2000 812AF181
B = Byte #
b = bitmapped (b1 is lsb, b8 is msb)

Tire Inflation 1
Pid = 822AF1210B0
Equation = (B3 * 5) – 100 kpa

Tire Inflation 2
Pid = 822AF1210B
Equation = (B4 * 5) – 100 kpa

Tire Inflation 3
Pid = 822AF1210B
Equation = (B5 * 5) – 100 kpa

Tire Inflation 4
Pid = 822AF1210B
Equation = (B6 * 5) – 100 kpa

Tire Temp 1
Pid = 822AF1 210C
(B3 * 3) – 40 Celcius

Tire Temp 2
Pid = 822AF1 210C
(B4 * 3) – 40 Celcius

Tire Temp 3
Pid = 822AF1 210C
(B5 * 3) – 40 Celcius

Tire Temp 4
Pid = 822AF1 210C
(B6 * 3) – 40 Celcius

Tire Bat Voltage 1
Pid = 822AF1 210D
(B3 * .147)+ 1.8 V

Tire Bat Voltage 2
Pid = 822AF1 210D
(B4 * .147)+ 1.8 V

Tire Bat Voltage 3
Pid = 822AF1 210D
(B5 * .147)+ 1.8 V

Tire Bat Voltage 4
Pid = 822AF1 210D
(B6 * .147) + 1.8 V

Tire Inflation 1
Pid = 822AF12115
Equation = (B3 * 2.5) kpa

Tire Inflation 2
Pid = 822AF12115
Equation = (B4 * 2.5) kpa

Tire Inflation 3
Pid = 822AF12115
Equation = (B5 * 2.5) kpa

Tire Inflation 4
Pid = 822AF12115
Equation = (B6 * 2.5) kpa

Tire Inflation 5
Pid = 822AF12115
Equation = (B7 * 2.5) kpa

Tire Temp 1
Pid = 822AF1 2116
(B3 – 40) Celcius

Tire Temp 2
Pid = 822AF1 2116
(B4 – 40) Celcius

Tire Temp 3
Pid = 822AF1 2116
(B5 – 40) Celcius

Tire Temp 4
Pid = 822AF1 2116
(B6 – 40) Celcius

Tire Temp 5
Pid = 822AF1 2116
(B7 – 40) Celcius

Vehicle Speed
Pid = 822AF1 210A
B3 km/h

Switch Information Initialize
Pid = 822AF1 211B
B3 = b7 is active

Initialize Switch
Pid = 822AF1 2109
B3 = b7 is active

Transmitter 1 Paint Color
Pid = 822AF1 2108

Transmitter 2 Paint Color
Pid = 822AF1 2108

Transmitter 3 Paint Color
Pid = 822AF1 2108

Transmitter 4 Paint Color
Pid = 822AF1 2108

ID Transmission Code
Pid = 822AF1 210E
B3 = b7 is active

there is also temp and many more. there is 2 type systems. choose 1 of them and see which works. I do not feel like doing anymore today.

Update: more pids added for tpms

Posts: 6632
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

Hi all

PIDs take a lot of time to work out, if you have the math sorted and know what you’re looking for then it’s straightforward, however getting to that point takes a lot of time and patience! (believe me, I’ve sat down opened a door, scanned, closed a door, scanned, looked for changes, etc for a while – very time consuming!)

There are a lot of eager people on here looking forward to getting more sensors to play with – I know that TPMS sensors and Trans temp sensors have been asked for a lot (I get quite a few emails asking if they’re available).

Posts: 10
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from johndoe on January 30, 2012
If anyone in here is interested in a pid post here and if available I will reply with the equation and name. Ford and Mazda is setup right now. Start with Powertrain. What sensors do you need?

OK, I’ll play :)

IAT2 on a 2012 Ford GT500. The one that worked up through 2010 no longer works. Can you find it? 😉

Posts: 117
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

Some Ford Diesel PIDs I would love to have.

VREF=Voltage Reference, should read 4.95-5.0V

ICP Voltage (Volts)

Cam vs. Crank Sync (1 = in sync, 0 = not in sync)

DTC Count (Diagnostic Trouble Code Count)

Not sure if those are the numbers you want to see.

This is what I see on my Scangauge II


VGT Duty Cycle (%)
07E022096D The last 4 are the PID# = 096D

All the above numbers have 07E0 then 22 then XXXX.

XXXX represents the PID#.

Does this make sense?

Northwest United States

Posts: 15
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

Can anybody get PID’s for a 2003 – 2006 Saab 9-3? Like Transmission temp, Gear position, or Misfires? The issue seems to be that you need Saab software with a TechII (GM Scan tool) to talk to those sensors. Just wondering if there is a workaround.

Toronto, Canada
I fly a Saab 9-3ss

Posts: 19
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

Last 3 post. Sorry none available. No diesels available.

I am adding Pids and getting them documented. I am doing Ford PWM Powertrain right now. While you guys are waiting and if you are interested in any other computers, then specify year, make, model of Ford and pids you are waiting for. i will see what I can do for you.

Choose from this list or be patience until I document them all.

1996 to 2007
Few of the Ford Models are not supported.

Powertrain CANBus and PWM
ABS + CANBus Traction Control
Driver Door
Automatic Temp Control
Light Control
Rear Suspension
Power Steering Assist
Hybrid Cluster
CANBus Cluster
Overhead Trip
Park Aid
Anti Theft
Audio Control
Front Electronics
Rear Electronics

Posts: 38
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 31, 2012 (GMT)



07E0 22 096D
ecuID mode pid

this looks like a query to the specific ecu since ecu ID’s are 07E0-07E7 with response ID’s of ecuID+8.

SAEJ2190 seems odd, why mode-22 pid 0200 for DTC count? DTC count for standard public obd2 is mode-1 pid 0x01 returns 4bytes (ABCD), A0-A6 is binary for # of DTC’s, A7 indicates MIL light on or off.

Posts: 19
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 31, 2012 (GMT)

For amd

# DTC (Gasoline) not sure on diesel
Pid = C410F1 220200
Equation = B4

Posts: 6
Post Re: The key to getting more PIDs working
on: January 31, 2012 (GMT)

What about PIDs for Dodge (Chrysler). They seem to be really hard to come by. Many of the PIDs that are selectable in a Tuner (such as the Predator) are not available within Torque (at least I did not see them). Things such as Engine Runtime and Knock ST Retard would be really handy.

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