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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Closes when opened Android 12 Beta 4

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Author Topic: Closes when opened Android 12 Beta 4
Posts: 1
Post Closes when opened Android 12 Beta 4
on: September 8, 2021 (GMT)

This has been happening on all of the Android 12 Beta releases and I figured since we are getting closer to release that it would start to work and it is still not working.

Is there a beta release of Torque Pro or a supported version planned for Android 12?

“Platform Stability milestone
Android 12 includes a milestone called Platform Stability to help you plan your final testing and releases. This milestone means that Android 12 has reached final internal and external APIs, final app-facing behaviors, and final non-SDK API lists. We expect Android 12 to reach Platform Stability at Beta 4 in August 2021. From that point, you can expect no further changes affecting your apps.”

Thanks so much for all of your time and for a great app!

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Closes when opened Android 12 Beta 4
on: September 30, 2021 (GMT)


There’s a beta release out now which should sort out any issues on Android 12 – feedback welcome as this has some changes in that are forced by google to do with storage locations

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