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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Cannot connect to ECU

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Author Topic: Cannot connect to ECU
Posts: 5
Post Cannot connect to ECU
on: September 4, 2021 (GMT)

I’ve already read many of the other threads with a similar issue and followed the often repeated advice. And like most other posters I am still unable to connect to the ECU.

That’s despite having two OBD2 readers used in multiple vehicles connected to multiple phones!

What is consistent is that the free version, Torque Lite, works perfectly each and every time.

So I’m asking how is one version of Torque simple to use and the other, both for me and plenty of other users, so painful?

At a push I can use Torque Liter and just be done with Torque Pro. But it does have some nice features that I’d like to use.

Any help and guidance would be much appreciated but please focus on the zero connection issues with Torque Lite and the non-functionality of Torque pro


Posts: 2994
Post Re: Cannot connect to ECU
on: September 5, 2021 (GMT)

If Torque Lite connects, Pro should be able too.

I am wondering if your ECU is addressed higher
than normally expected. e.g. 7EF vs. 7E0 for CAN.

I would try sending the standard 0100 obdii command
to see which module(s) respond with headers turned
ON. (ATH1).

Posts: 5
Post Re: Cannot connect to ECU
on: September 5, 2021 (GMT)

That’s my thinking as well. But why does Torque Lite connect seamlessly whereas Torque Pro doesn’t. And reading recent forum posts, many people are having similar problems.

I have two vehicles that I’ve tried to use Torque Pro (where both connect to Torque Lite without issue) so I think there is a fundamental issue with how Torque Pro connects to the ECU.

Considering the number of users that have this issue it would be helpful to have more detailed error reporting rather than “Cannot connect to ECU”

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Cannot connect to ECU
on: September 6, 2021 (GMT)

Like I mentioned before, sending the obdii
command would solicit a response from any
module that recognizes it. Then you determine
which module header is correct to use. Simply
setting the custom init string in the vehicle
profile would point Torque Pro to use it.

Do you know what protocol your vehicles

Posts: 5
Post Re: Cannot connect to ECU
on: September 6, 2021 (GMT)

No I don’t and I was hoping I wouldn’t have to :(

I hate being lazy and just asking but here are the three vehicles I’ve tried to use Torque Pro with:

1. Mazda Speed3 2011
2. Xfinity G37X 2010
3. Nissan Sentra 1998

Bear in mind that I have 2 OBD2 readers which give IDENTICAL results. Always “Where’s the ECU” with Torque Pro and here’s a perfect connection with Torque Lite!

Posts: 5
Post Re: Cannot connect to ECU
on: September 6, 2021 (GMT)

And obviously not Xfinity. They are also giving me grief. That should have been an Infinity G37X


Posts: 5
Post Re: Cannot connect to ECU
on: September 9, 2021 (GMT)

Well it looks like my issue is beyond resolution without having to move onto what I would call advanced diagnostics.

Oh well.

Time to find a better product or stick with the free version (which appears not to require what I call advanced diagnostics as it just works)

Thanks for your help cap777
Shame the developer couldn’t be bothered

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