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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque light connection successful however torque pro would not connect

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Author Topic: Torque light connection successful however torque pro would not connect
Posts: 2
Post Torque light connection successful however torque pro would not connect
on: July 25, 2021 (GMT)

I was able to successfully connect with the torque light application however upon upgrading to torque pro I was unable to connect. I’m using a Wi-Fi adapter and an Android phone and my phone successfully connects to the adapter via Wi-Fi however the torque pro app does not seem to connect. I very much appreciate any suggestions or ideas. I would hate to downgrade to the light app.

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Torque light connection successful however torque pro would not connect
on: July 25, 2021 (GMT)

I would try sending the 0100 command
in terminal to see what module responds.

ATH1 command turns headers ON in the

Maybe all that is needed is a ATSH command
to the vehicle profile to point Torque Pro to
the correct module for startup.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Torque light connection successful however torque pro would not connect
on: July 25, 2021 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on July 25, 2021

I would try sending the 0100 command
in terminal to see what module responds.

ATH1 command turns headers ON in the

Maybe all that is needed is a ATSH command
to the vehicle profile to point Torque Pro to
the correct module for startup.

Wow capp777, I appreciate the response but that’s Greek to me. I know what terminal is however I’m on an Android phone and I wouldn’t know how to do that.

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Torque light connection successful however torque pro would not connect
on: July 25, 2021 (GMT)

Torque has a send OBD command
button which can be added to your
dashboard. Long press the button
then select display config followed
by set OBD command. You should be
able to test and see the raw hex
response. ATH1 \n 0100 \n ATH0.

You could also try creating a custom pid
using 0100 pid then test while in the
pid editor. Use a start command of
ATH1 to include header in the response.
ATH0 to remove header from response.

Not sure how Torque will proceed since
it is not connected yet?

It would help if you give the details of
the vehicle as other users may already
know the answers.

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