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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » 2021 Sonata NLine DN8

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Author Topic: 2021 Sonata NLine DN8
Posts: 3
Post 2021 Sonata NLine DN8
on: July 11, 2021 (GMT)

Ok so I know these cars haven’t been out long, but I have a 2021 Hyundai Sonata inline with a 2.5 l turbo. The only Hyundai plugins I have found for Torque that come close to my engine/model is NF-A through NF-C “Theta”. No mention of the newer Sonata DN8 (2020-2021) or more specifically Smartstream G2.5T (G4KP). I have used Torque for many years but doesn’t seem to have support it used to have. Used it regularly with my 2000 Pontiac TransAm with a built LS1 motor. I am hoping that there are updates and I just need to be pointed to where I can get them. Please let me know where I can find any GM updated PIDS for my LS1 and my new Sonata NLine.

Posts: 1
Post Re: 2021 Sonata NLine DN8
on: September 27, 2022 (GMT)

Same boat.
not sonata, but 22 Elantra Nline.
i have basics, vac/boost, managed to get trans temp working with a custom pid (can send u deets, the figures seem right, but i have nothing to compare against.
but weirdly, when i check in torque for available sensors, it says the coolant temp, exahust rate, fuel rate and few others show as available, but ARNT displaying an data when adding those sensors,

other Apps (car scanner, OBDlink) do display the coolant, exhaust rate etc so currently trying to work out WHY one app can display but Torque wont.

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