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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » VAGCOM

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Author Topic: VAGCOM
Posts: 23
on: July 18, 2012 (GMT)

That is epic! I will definitely be creating an identity file for my car.

What are your views on scraping the VCDS label files for this information? Technically its not their information to own? They have reverse engineered the VW protocol as well. They have started encrypting the new label files they include but older cars have plain text label files.

Also will there be support for modules other than the ECU? Eg. transmission, central electrics etc.

[edit] ordered an adaptor! Probably should check, this will work with newer cars too hey, pretty sure my 2008 Golf has a CAN interface and K-Line.

Posts: 3
on: July 22, 2012 (GMT)

Epic indeed!!

Very excited to hear new developments! Thank you!

Will this adapter make the new features work for a MkV Jetta (2010)?

Quote from jazd on July 18, 2012
[edit] ordered an adaptor! Probably should check, this will work with newer cars too hey, pretty sure my 2008 Golf has a CAN interface and K-Line.

How do you know if your car has a CAN only interface?? Or also has the K-lines, which it appears the adapter mentioned by Ian will read.

Will the new updates work for CAN-only vehicles using a normal ELM327 adapter?

Posts: 6
on: July 24, 2012 (GMT)

Not sure if you have this list of Pcodes for the VAG cars but yesterday while troubleshooting a misfire problem I was having I got code 3212 which wasnt listed in Torque with a definition but is a valid O2 sensor code.

I am also unable to locate the vw-identities files under .torque with 1.6.4
Not sure if my install is missing something or not.

Posts: 6633
on: July 24, 2012 (GMT)


The new updates for VW protocol support are currently only for KWP based vehicles (I need more information for the CANBUS methods before I can implement it, and can say if existing ELM adapters will work with it (at the moment I see no reason why not))

the vw-identities file will be created the first time you connect to the adapter, here’s the file pasted below:

# Used for matching. The file chosen is the file that closest matches all the IDs
# The filename itself should be the same as the ECUID, so should be something like: 06A906018CG.txt

# Each measuring block is describe as follows in this example:
#       080101: (Block one, value one, blocks are HEX values, so, block 09 is '09', 10 is '0A', 11 is '0B', etc.)
#   "Idle RPM": Long title (used when choosing a display)
#       "Revs": Short title (used in the displays)
#        "rpm": The unit (capitals are important - as close to si notation as possible
#            0: Minimum value (Defaults for display - not required if Mode 01 OBD2 PID is supplied)
#         7000: Maximum value (Defaults for display - not required if Mode 01 OBD2 PID is supplied)
#           0D: OBD2 equivalent PID (hex).  Does not have to be present if you don't know it, but if you do, this will be used  by the app to link up various internal calculations (you get more cool stuff working) 

# Block,  Long title,               Short Title,     Units,     Min,   Max,    OBD2 ID (Hex)
080101,   "Idle RPM",               "IRevs",         "rpm",     0,     7000,   
080102,   "Engine load","Load",
080103,   "Throttle pos",
080104,   "",  ""

# Block 2
080204,   "Mass Airflow Sensor",    "MAF",           "g/s",     0,     200,    10

# Block 12 ('0C' in hex)
080C01,   "Engine RPM",             "Revs",          "rpm",     0,     7000,   0C
080C02,   "Voltage",                "Volts",         "V",       0,     16,   
080C03,   "Fuel Consumption",       "FuelCons",      "l/h",     0      20,
080C04,   "Ignition Degrees",       "IgnDeg",        "\u00B0",  0,     20,

# Block 14 ('0E' in hex)
080E03,   "Cylinder 1 retard",      "Cyl1Ret",       "\u00B0:,  0,     10,
080E04,   "Cylinder 2 retard",      "Cyl2Ret",       "\u00B0:,  0,     10,

# Block 15 ('0F' in hex)
080F03,   "Cylinder 3 retard",      "Cyl3Ret",       "\u00B0:,  0,     10,
080F04,   "Cylinder 4 retard",      "Cyl4Ret",       "\u00B0:,  0,     10,

# Block 66 ('42' in hex)
084201,   "Vehicle speed",          "Speed",         "km/h",    0,     255,    0D

# Block 99 ('63' in hex) 
086302,   "Coolant Temperature",    "Coolant",       "\u00B0C", 0,     160,    05

Posts: 8
on: July 27, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from admin on July 17, 2012

1.6.2 is now out which contains (very beta!) support for this(there will be bugs) – you’ll need a specific adapter – ‘WBH-BT4’ from

There’s no fault code support (yet, but this is really easy to add and will be going in)

The first drop of this support only connects to the engine controller and reads blocks off from there (you can select the block to view in the ‘realtime information’ screen.
At the moment, the blocks are default unnamed as each ECU has different meanings for each block, however, if you look in the .torque/vw-identities folder on the SD card, you will find an example file which will allow you to customise the blocks with descriptions you like.
You can get the ECU id from the ‘Adapter Status’ screen once connected to the vehicle (it will list the ecu id, workshop code and software codings in that screen)

The adapter can occasionally lock-up when first connecting to the ECU. This means that it will just stop responding to Torque. Unplugging and re-plugging the adapter clears this issue and Torque will then be able to reconnect to it. The KW1281 (older vehicles) isn’t the fastest protocol, (KW2000 vehicles should be a bit quicker)

I hope to add more support to this as the week goes on – if you make an ‘identity’ file and would like to share, please feel free to send it to me and i’ll include it in the next update(s)!

I have bought the above adapter (my 3rd different one) I have the Pro version of the software. I can connect to the adapter (On all three adapters) but I can’t talk to the car being a Golf MK4 130BHP TDIGT. I have tried on gingerbread and ICS. Is there something obvious I am doing wrong. I can use VAG with a cable no problem.

Posts: 23
on: July 31, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from admin on July 24, 2012
The new updates for VW protocol support are currently only for KWP based vehicles (I need more information for the CANBUS methods before I can implement it, and can say if existing ELM adapters will work with it (at the moment I see no reason why not))

Newer VWs still include KWP protocol though don’t they?

Quote from jazd on July 18, 2012
What are your views on scraping the VCDS label files for this information? Technically its not their information to own? They have reverse engineered the VW protocol as well. They have started encrypting the new label files they include but older cars have plain text label files.

Also will there be support for modules other than the ECU? Eg. transmission, central electrics etc.

Bumping myself here, can you comment piemmm?

Posts: 6633
on: July 31, 2012 (GMT)


I’m not sure if the newer VWs use KWP (as auto manufacturers moved to CANBUS instead, it could well be done over CANBUS) – unfortunately I don’t have a newer VW to check this out with

I’m err’ing on the side of caution with the label files – the copyright is ambiguous at best, so it’s best not to rip the info out of there.

I will however be taking user submitted files as people document their ECUs – the format I’m using should be quite flexible (and allows for future expansion as well on not just the ‘read’ requests, so there is the possibility of codings as well once I’ve worked out how I’m going to implement it)

I’m also looking at OBDKey support as well. I have it talking (just like the other adapter) but there are a few subtle differences in how it presents the data to the app, which should be sorted out in a couple of updates together with fault reporting for various modules.

Posts: 8
on: July 31, 2012 (GMT)

What I have found is three different Bluetooth adapters that will work with the protocols that VW uses KWP1281, KWP2000, and KWP2089. As well as others.

Now you added the WBH BT4, I would like to ask if you could also add the other adapters, or at least the one I have 😉

The adapters are:
WBH BT4, Already programed
VAS5054a, the one I have and would like you to program

Thank Ian,
Ted Pinson

Posts: 9
on: July 31, 2012 (GMT)

If it helps, I use the Kiwi PLX Bluetooth adapter on my 2010 VW Passat and it works great with Torque

What can I read from my car to help you. (Please assume I am stupid and need step by step instructions;)

Posts: 8
on: August 1, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from rook on July 31, 2012
If it helps, I use the Kiwi PLX Bluetooth adapter on my 2010 VW Passat and it works great with Torque

What can I read from my car to help you. (Please assume I am stupid and need step by step instructions;)

The kiwi don’t read the protocols my car puts out KWP1281, OBD1, it being a 93 b3 passat.

Torque now reads the KWP1281’S but the Bluetooth adapter I have is not compatible with the program.

So thanks but there’s nothing you can do.

Ted Pinson

Posts: 6633
on: August 1, 2012 (GMT)

I’ve had a look at the other two adapters – support may be able to be added but I can’t see any documentation on their protocols (the adapter to ‘host computer’ protocol). – without this information it’s nearly impossible to add support for the adapter as I don’t know how to talk to it

At the moment, I’m working on adding support for the OBDKey’s way of talking KW1281 as well. The current support is as follows:

WBH-BT4: Working in the current app (just need to add fault code support)
OBDKey: Support is being added to the app – just as capable as the WBH-BT4 with the addition that it supports OBD2 as well as VW’s native non-obd2 protocols

Posts: 23
on: August 2, 2012 (GMT)

Thanks for the reply piemmm. I got my adapter today and guess what, it works! So yeah at least some of the newer VW with CAN do still have a K-Line and support the KWP protocols.

For reference, my car is a MY2008 built Sept 2007 Golf GT TDI.

At some point they might have stopped adding in the K-Line as well, I dont know where you could find a definitive reference on this.

Posts: 87
on: August 2, 2012 (GMT)


that’s good news

any chance you could provide a full list of sensors the adapter allows you to access

Posts: 23
on: August 2, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from Simon2 on August 2, 2012

that’s good news

any chance you could provide a full list of sensors the adapter allows you to access

Everything! I mean it. If its connected to the car it is accessible. Its the same as VCDS/Vag Com. You just have to identify which values are which.

This is the ID file I’m working on:

# Used for matching. The file chosen is the file that closest matches all the IDs
# The filename itself should be the same as the ECUID, so should be something like: 06A906018CL.txt

# Each measuring block is describe as follows in this example:
#       080101: (Block one, value one, blocks are HEX values, so, block 09 is '09', 10 is '0A', 11 is '0B', etc.)
#   "Idle RPM": Long title (used when choosing a display)
#       "Revs": Short title (used in the displays)
#        "rpm": The unit (capitals are important - as close to si notation as possible
#            0: Minimum value (Defaults for display - not required if Mode 01 OBD2 PID is supplied)
#         7000: Maximum value (Defaults for display - not required if Mode 01 OBD2 PID is supplied)
#           0D: OBD2 equivalent PID (hex).  Does not have to be present if you don't know it, but if you do, this will be used  by the app to link up various$

# Block,  Long title,               Short Title,     Units,       Min,   Max,    OBD2 ID (Hex)
# Block 1, Injection Quantity
080101,   "Engine Speed",           "ES",            "rpm",        0,     5000,   0C
080102,   "Injection Quantity",     "IQ",            "mg/stk",     0,     100,
080103,   "Injection Duration",     "ID",            "\u00B0KW",   0,     30,
080104,   "Coolant Temperature",    "Coolant",       "\u00B0C",    -10,   135,

# Block 2, Idle Speed
#080201,   "Engine Speed",           "ES",            "rpm",        0,     5000,   0C
080202,   "Accelerator Pedal",      "AccelPed",      "\u0025",     0,     100,
080203,   "Idle Status Bits"        "Idle Status"    "bits",       0,     256,
#080204,   "Coolant Temperature",    "Coolant",       "\u00B0C",    -10,   135,

# Block 3, Exhaust Gas Recirculation
#080301,   "Engine Speed",           "ES",            "rpm",        0,     5000,   0C
080302,   "EGR Requested",          "EGR Req",       "mg/stk",     0,     1300,
080303,   "EGR Actual"              "EGR"            "mg/stk",     0,     1300,
080304,   "EGR Duty Cycle",         "EGR Duty",      "\u0025",     0,     100,

# Block 4, PD Injectors
#080401,   "Engine Speed",           "ES",            "rpm",        0,     5000,   0C
080402,   "Start Of Injection",     "SOI",           "\u00B0BTDC", 0,     30,
#080403,   "Injection Duration",     "ID",            "\u00B0KW",   0,     30,
080404,   "Torsion Value",          "Tor",           "\u00B0KW",   -10,   10,

Piemmm, how does it deal with duplicate entries? You can see that the engine speed appears a lot. Am I right to only include 1? From what I know with VCDS is that it logs quicker when its reading less blocks at a time. So if I wanted to display the EGR parameters I would be better off uncommenting the ES there and comment out the first block’s ES. Any chance of getting to automatically figure out the best block to read from?

Another problem – my ECU is 03G906018FC but it shows up in adapter status without the 0 and the ID file only worked when I dropped the 0.

Posts: 7
on: August 2, 2012 (GMT)

Definitely interested in this thread… I have a MY2008 VW GTI US PZEM spec built Oct 2007. I also have the OBDlink MX which should be delivered today, which I understand to support some CAN functions. If anyone has anything they need tested I am more that willing to put some time into this project.

I can’t wait to start using this app, I was messing around with it in preparation for my OBDlink to come in.


Didn’t realize my bio was my sig.

2008 GTI
OBDlink MX
Droid Bionic 4.0.1
Droid 2 Global 2.3

Posts: 2
on: August 2, 2012 (GMT)


First post here, d like to say thanks for this great app, not only by buying but also by supporting its updates with suggestions.

I use an ebay BT ELM327 adapter, connected in fast mode.
I cant see any of those vag com blocks and i need block 20 cylinders retard values (dwkrz_0,1,2,3) and block 26 for Knock sensors voltage (rkrn_w_0,1,2,3).

Its adapter problem or will be supported in future update?


Posts: 8
on: August 2, 2012 (GMT)

I am hoping someone can help me. I have bought the dongle from mentioned as the one to use.

I have set up my profile for my car and set the protocol to VW/Audi, If i go back into to edit I get a message “The protocol needs definition files for your particular ECU creating,an example can be found in the torque/vw-identities folder after connecting for the first time”.

Now I have managed to connect (finally) but I can’t find this file and once I have found it what do I do with it.

Is there a howto to get torque up and running on your car?

Posts: 8
on: August 2, 2012 (GMT)

The elm 327 can’t rea VWs native protocols.

You’ll need another adapter either:

Wbh bt4
Obdlink mx

As far as I know that’s the only adapters that is able to connect to torque that can read VWs protocols.

Now the Vas5054a and BlueVAG can also read but not able to connect.

Ted Pinson

Posts: 2
on: August 2, 2012 (GMT)


If I can help,I have a 2012 Golf Sportwagen. This is the Mexican model (I’m located in Mexico). I’m using the BAFX Products (TM) – ELM 327 Bluetooth OBD2 scan tool found in Amazon and I get readings on RPM, HP, torque, coolant temperature, etc. but I don’t now if Torque is reading VW specific sensors.

Best regards


Posts: 23
on: August 3, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from MARPATdroid on August 2, 2012
I also have the OBDlink MX which should be delivered today, which I understand to support some CAN functions.

At the moment it wont work with reading the VW measurement blocks. Only the WBH-BT4 will work with these.

Quote from professor on August 2, 2012I use an ebay BT ELM327 adapter, connected in fast mode.
I cant see any of those vag com blocks and i need block 20 cylinders retard values (dwkrz_0,1,2,3) and block 26 for Knock sensors voltage (rkrn_w_0,1,2,3).

Its adapter problem or will be supported in future update?

As above you need WBH-BT4 to read these. I highly doubt the ELM adapters will ever be able to read VW measuring blocks as they are generic OBD II adapters.

Quote from tpinson on August 2, 2012You’ll need another adapter either:

Wbh bt4
Obdlink mx

As far as I know that’s the only adapters that is able to connect to torque that can read VWs protocols.

ONLY the WBH-BT4 works!

Quote from rfmuller on August 2, 2012
If I can help,I have a 2012 Golf Sportwagen. This is the Mexican model (I’m located in Mexico). I’m using the BAFX Products (TM) – ELM 327 Bluetooth OBD2 scan tool found in Amazon and I get readings on RPM, HP, torque, coolant temperature, etc. but I don’t now if Torque is reading VW specific sensors.

Its not, as above you need a WBH-BT4 to read the VW sensors.

Come on guys its not that difficult…

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