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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » TID

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Author Topic: TID
Posts: 9
Post TID
on: April 5, 2021 (GMT)

What exactly is TID ?

I ran check and all of them come as green and only this one persists as “failed”. No other error codes otherwise.

Thank you

Posts: 437
Post Re: TID
on: April 9, 2021 (GMT)

TID stands for ‘Test ID’. Each ‘test’ has serveral possible conclusions, referred to as “CID”s, or ‘Completion IDs’.

These tests are called Mode six (dollar sign zero six) tests. They are demand reports – initiated and conducted upon request. Each report from OBDII includes upper and lower limits – for which readings outside those extents reports “FAILED”. For Example, similar to crawling under the car with your volt ohm meter and testing voltage on your O2 sensors, or the temperature on your catalytic converter. TWO important things to consider about the test results (CIDs). Upstream O2 sensors swing between .1 volts and .9 volts. So a single instanteanous reading between that range is “PASSED”. But if CAT temperature is equal to ambient, would “FAIL” – BUT if immediately up startup, it would be understandable.

OBDII supports a group of Tests that are sorta standard. That is what Torque is presenting. But you really need to obtain information about your specific vehicle to ‘identify’ them and fully understand tests and completion codes.



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