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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Question Regarding Subaru Features

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Author Topic: Question Regarding Subaru Features
Posts: 2
Post Question Regarding Subaru Features
on: March 16, 2021 (GMT)

I’ve heard this program can read stuff like DAM, Knock Learn, and Knock correction on Subarus, I’m just wondering if this is true and does it also read stuff like intake temperature and whatnot. I’m asking because I want a way to monitor this information but I want to know before I buy anything, I already have an OBD2 reader (OBDLink MX+) for codes and stuff but I recently started playing with the app a bit more. I’m not very tech-savvy when it comes to androids (forced to use IOS through work and just went with the flow) and may need a bit of an explanation if it is possible to make it work.

Posts: 645
Post Re: Question Regarding Subaru Features
on: March 17, 2021 (GMT)

torque is a generic program BUT it has GREAT feature for logging and stuff

by default you will have access to the same data as any free program … just check with the program that come with obdlink mx

The manufacturer decide what is showing and wath is not

you have some usufull stuff but most of the time knock is not there

torque as some expension for each specific brand that you may get what you want …those value are not part of the OBDII standard most the time, but are accessible if you know the adress and formula to read it

ps i don’t know exactlt what is in the subaru expansion

Posts: 2
Post Re: Question Regarding Subaru Features
on: March 24, 2021 (GMT)

oh ok I was reading that through some extension it was possible to get that information and circumvent getting an AccessPoint to read it

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