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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » double PIDs with web upload

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Author Topic: double PIDs with web upload
Posts: 3
Post double PIDs with web upload
on: March 9, 2021 (GMT)


I am trying to process the data torque using the webupload function. It works very good, however, there is one problem.

Some of the data is read out using the same PIDs (see comma separated):

000_Auxillary Battery Voltage,AuxV,0x220101,ad*0.1,11,14.6,V,7E4
000_Cumulative Energy Charged,CEC,0x220101,((am

Posts: 2994
Post Re: double PIDs with web upload
on: March 9, 2021 (GMT)

While the pids are the same… I’m guessing
the variables containing the data of interest
are different.

Posts: 3
Post Re: double PIDs with web upload
on: March 15, 2021 (GMT)

Well, somehow my post got scrambled.

Unfortunately the variables get transmitted to the webserver using the same GET variables. So a webserver request overwrites the earlier of the two readings:


I just splitted the request over a several lines and removed the rest of the request for clarity.

I wonder if there is a way to rename these variables.


Posts: 3
Post Re: double PIDs with web upload
on: March 28, 2021 (GMT)

OK, so I figured it out.

Additionally to the original entries like these:

000_Auxillary Battery Voltage,AuxV,0x220101,ad*0.1,11,14.6,V,7E4
000_Cumulative Energy Charged,CEC,0x220101,((am

add one additional line like this for each entry that’s “invisible” due to the same variable name:

001_Auxillary Battery Voltage,AuxV,,val{000_Auxillary Battery Voltage},11,14.6,V

So you basically make a Alias entry just changing the name and leaving the ModeAndPID column empty. That way Torque generates a (hopefully) unique variable name thus not overwriting the previous one during the web-request.

The key is to leave the PID empty.

Hope that helps somebody.

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