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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » 2012 Landcruiser 200 Pan and TC Temps

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Author Topic: 2012 Landcruiser 200 Pan and TC Temps
Posts: 2
Post 2012 Landcruiser 200 Pan and TC Temps
on: February 1, 2021 (GMT)

Hi All,
I have tried programming PIDS for Pan Temp and Torq Conv Temp on my Jan 2012 200 Sahara (4.5 Diesel V8 and 6 spd auto Trans, Australia)with no success at all. Can anyone point me at PIDS that work? I have tried several different equations to no effect. I believe my vehicle is an upgrade version (Introduced early 2012 here in Aus). Thanks, Paul

Posts: 2994
Post Re: 2012 Landcruiser 200 Pan and TC Temps
on: February 1, 2021 (GMT)

It would help to know which pids
you have tested and their raw hex
responses. (2182 or 21D9)?

Posts: 2
Post Re: 2012 Landcruiser 200 Pan and TC Temps
on: February 1, 2021 (GMT)

I have 21d9 and E-40 (Header 07E0)/ for Pan and G-40 (7E0 for OBD Header) for TCT.
I have also tried these for Celcius

Pan Temp:

Mode & PID: 21D9
Equation Celcius: (((((((E*256)+F)*(7/100))-400)/10)-32)*5/9)
Equation Fahrenheit: (((((E*256)+F)*(7/100))-400)/10)
OBD Header: 7E1

Outlet Temp:

Mode & PID: 21D9
Equation Celcius: (((((((G*256)+H)*(7/100))-400)/10)-32)*5/9)
Equation Fahrenheit: (((((G*256)+H)*(7/100))-400)/10)
OBD Header: 7E1

Posts: 2994
Post Re: 2012 Landcruiser 200 Pan and TC Temps
on: February 1, 2021 (GMT)

Test the pid for its raw hex response in
case the variables are different.

Checking at ambient and at temperature
might identify variables of interest.

Testing 2182 might be useful too.

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