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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » newbie issues

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Author Topic: newbie issues
Posts: 1
Post newbie issues
on: December 28, 2011 (GMT)

Hello, I am as I stated a newbie to this app so please bare with me. I have installed a scanner unit that I purchased thru Amazon for twenty dollars or so. I know, you get what you pay for, I can hear it already, and I am willing to send it back and upgrade if that is the issue, but first let me tell my story.
….I have a Samsung Mesmerize that I installed Torque lite on and also Torque OBD2 plugin. The scanner did not come with anything that would help me get started except for my PC, so I just winged it out in the garage. I had a check engine light on on my 99 VW Passat and with that phone I eventually got the bluetooth to hook up and turn off the light. But I was unable to get any fault information first or any other things to work that Torque offered. The icons at the top of the default screen were the bluetooth icon, a phone icon and a car icon, all of which for a few moments were steady blue not black and blinking. After that I never saw the car icon again but there was a new icon that looks like it represented the ECU or the scanner. That now blinks black always whether or not the bluetooth is blue or black, and there is never a car icon. So……. I also have an HTC Desire, so I installed Torque light on that (no plugins) and on that phone I get all four icons. When the car is running I get bluetooth, the phone icon and the scanner icon blue but the car is black, when I only have the ignition on without the car running I get the phone icon, the scanner icon and the car icon blue but the bluetooth icon is black……. I have uninstalled all of Torques apps on the first phone and reinstalled torque lite but the problem remains the same.
This leads me to believe that this application runs different on each of these phones (both of which have Pandora’s bluetooth turned off) and because of that I cannot yet determine if the scanner is bad, although the one other factor in this equation is that my neighbor plugged in his Kiwi last month and used Torque and it worked fine. I am not aware of which phone he has it installed on. Help if you can, would be very much appreciated. Thank you

Posts: 23
Post Re: newbie issues
on: December 28, 2011 (GMT)

Hi Zulutech,

welcome to Torque :)
Yes, as far as I know, Torque works different on different phones. Since different phones have different versions of Android and different hardware, apps need some tweaks here and there to work properly.

Also, I’m not sure what kind of problems you are experiencing on the Mesmerice, but it seems that it can be narrowed down to those:

– Cannot connect to the OBD adapter
– Cannot connect to the ECU

First, some explanation for the icons (from left to right):
1. GPS (make sure to enable GPS on your phone)
2. Bluetooth (make sure to enable bluetooth, at least for the first time to pair the device)
3. Connection to the OBD adapter
4. Connection to the ECU

Blinking signals, that your phone is working on that part, e.g. blinking GPS icons means, that GPS is enabled, but there’s no working GPS connection. Same with adapter and ECU logo.

Black icons mean, that the part aren’t processed, e.g. Torque won’t try to connect to the ECU when it doesn’t have a connection to the OBD adapter.

So here is a little guideline how to connect to your ECU and to determine where’s the problem:

1. Plug the adapter into the OBD Port. Some light should blink
2. If not, turn the ignition on. Most ECUs need the ignition turned on anyway so that won’t hurt.
3. Enable bluetooth on the Mesmerice and pair the OBD device.
4. Enable GPS on the phone
5. Start Torque. Likely, GPS should blink and the phone logo should be blue.
6. You should have a car profile already, otherwise create one.
7. Choose the OBD adapter in the settings
8. Now, the adapter logo should be blinking blue and then go to a steady blue. Then the car logo should go from black to blinking and then to blue.
9. Torque successfully connected to your cars ECU. Have fun.

Best regards


Posts: 1
Post Re: newbie issues
on: March 4, 2020 (GMT)

– I’m happy with the device except I’ve had a little problem. I’ve been using the device as a miles per gallon meter, and it works fine for a while while I’m driving. But without touching anything or changing anything the analog meter stops moving and I see it says no data. I look at the phone and the little car icon is blinking and only the red light is on the adapter itself. This happens for no apparent reason. I remove the adapter and replace it and most times it comes back on but then 5 or 10 minutes later no data again. Any thoughts? The phone is less than a foot from the device.

1996 Caprice LT1 B4U

Posts: 2996
Post Re: newbie issues
on: March 5, 2020 (GMT)

Look under Adapter Status icon information
to see if any errors are being reported.

If it was working properly the other leds
would be blinking from the data traffic.

You might also look for connector issues
like bent pins. Testing on another vehicle
to see if problem continues might help.

Some of the cheap adapters have had
problems with the older protocols like

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