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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » bluetooth adapter re-connect

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Author Topic: bluetooth adapter re-connect
Posts: 2
Post bluetooth adapter re-connect
on: January 26, 2021 (GMT)


I use torque pro app. I use a Vgate bluetooth adapter to connect to my Toyota Prius 2007, al goes well, but what i would like is to leave this adapter in the OBD port and start app next time i enter the car, but this doesnt work, i always have to remove adapter and reconnect to make it work, why?

Posts: 1662
Post Re: bluetooth adapter re-connect
on: January 26, 2021 (GMT)

The adapter is initialized when power is applied to it, so you do not remove it from the OBD2 connector, it freezes, and the supply voltage to the adapter comes from pin 16 of the OBD2 connector and it is constantly present there.
Therefore, you can eliminate your problem by supplying the ignition voltage to the 16 pin of the OBD2 connector of the car, instead of the battery voltage that is constantly present on this pin.
After that, every time you turn on the ignition, your adapter will be initialized.

Or, as you do, each time pull the adapter out of the OBD2 connector and insert it again.

Posts: 2
Post Re: bluetooth adapter re-connect
on: January 26, 2021 (GMT)

I dont know exactly what u mean, but i just read solution to my problem…use the Close button in the app menu instead of what I did use Android….thank u!

Posts: 642
Post Re: bluetooth adapter re-connect
on: January 30, 2021 (GMT)

i never remove my obdii reader

i found some trick

close the app and retards the app is the long version

personnaly i have 2 profile i have to car and to obdii reader

if you switch profile….you just click on the profile name and change it, it seem’s to wake up something

i just switch to the other profile and back the the original profile and i’m good

from time to time a realy have to pull the obdii device out

but i have obblink device they are more $$$ and seem to have deep sleep option

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