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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Can I write/change program?

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Author Topic: Can I write/change program?
Posts: 1
Post Can I write/change program?
on: December 18, 2020 (GMT)

I am new to this scene, so I will expalin what I want to do.

I want to turn off start/stop on an Audi A5, and have read that I need to change the coding in the customisation catagory.
I was thinking I could buy a cheap Bluetooth OBD2 Scanner/ELM 327 and use Torque lite or pro to change the setting.
I asked the question of one of these sellers, who said it doesnt support re-programming.
Is that the case with all Bluetooth OBD2 Scanners?
If not, can someone suggest a cheap one that does?
If they dont, can I be pointed in the right direction, of what I do need?

Posts: 642
Post Re: Can I write/change program?
on: December 19, 2020 (GMT)

the issue is not the device it self
it’s the software, removing the function need an advanced program, i don’t know the specific of you car, it maybe available on-line somewhere like forscan (ford specific)

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