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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Automatic profile selection?

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Author Topic: Automatic profile selection?
Posts: 1
Post Automatic profile selection?
on: May 4, 2020 (GMT)

Hello there,
currently I’m using torque in one car. My phone is set up for torque to start automatically once the BT connection to my car is established. Now I intend to use torque in my second car as well, with the same setup but obviously different profile. My current understanding is, that I would have to switch profiles manually in this scenario. Is there a way to tell torque to automatically start with a specific profile for car A, and another one for car B, without manual intervention?
Thanks …

Posts: 642
Post Re: Automatic profile selection?
on: May 4, 2020 (GMT)

if there is one, i will be glad to know
i also have the setup in 2 car

when i start android auto …tasker make torque appear ,,so i switch it fi necessary but never found a way to automate the transfert

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