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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » LTFT not included in Lite versuon

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Author Topic: LTFT not included in Lite versuon
Posts: 4
Post LTFT not included in Lite versuon
on: April 19, 2020 (GMT)

Why is LTFT not part of the Lite version? Is it included in the Por version?

Is replay of data available in either version given the instructions do not address this feature. Any enlightenment on this topic would be much appreciated.


Retired Engineer

Posts: 2994
Post Re: LTFT not included in Lite versuon
on: April 19, 2020 (GMT)

Can’t you just add it under settings with
info from wiki?

Torque Pro has file logging, trip logging
in Map View and web logging. There is
a pinned thread above which should

Posts: 4
Post Re: LTFT not included in Lite versuon
on: April 20, 2020 (GMT)

Thanks is there a complete manual available somewhere since the PDF posted for torque isn’t a manual but a connection setup which I didn’t need.

Retired Engineer

Posts: 4
Post Re: LTFT not included in Lite versuon
on: April 20, 2020 (GMT)

LTFT is not a selectable setting to capture in the Lite version. This is such a basic output of any scanner but perhaps its not offered in the free version. That’s all I am Attempting to determine.

Programming LTFT into the free version isn’t something i have a clue how to do or care to spend time doing. I see the value in having this kind of flexibility but something like LTFT is pretty basic.

Thanks again!!

Retired Engineer

Posts: 642
Post Re: LTFT not included in Lite versuon
on: April 21, 2020 (GMT)

i had torque for a while. and just loaded the free version for fun to compare

the free version sucks. compared to the full version and add on

and yes ltft seem to be volontary missing from the free app

Posts: 4
Post Re: LTFT not included in Lite versuon
on: April 21, 2020 (GMT)

Thanks, now I realize it wasn’t hit my install.

Retired Engineer

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