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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Alcatel Tablet (Android 7) not connecting to ECU

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Author Topic: Alcatel Tablet (Android 7) not connecting to ECU
Posts: 2
Post Alcatel Tablet (Android 7) not connecting to ECU
on: April 9, 2020 (GMT)

Hey guys.

Im currently having issues getting my tablet to connect to my iKkelog OBDII adapter (ELM327). I cannot get it to connect over wifi and am reluctant to hook it up over bluetooth as the tablet is bluetoothed to my stereo. the tablet is an Alcatel A30

I know the device is working fine because it will connect fine to my phone (Samsung). I bought the tablet specifically to run in the car and am just wondering if anyone can shoot some advice my way. I’ve tried messing with the IP address but haven’t found a solution that works yet.

Any advice would be appreciated.


2006 Pontiac Grand Prix

Posts: 645
Post Re: Alcatel Tablet (Android 7) not connecting to ECU
on: April 9, 2020 (GMT)

i’n not a big audiophile but my phone is connected to both device all the time with no issue

obdii adapter and radio

does it affect audio quality…don’t think so

Posts: 2
Post Re: Alcatel Tablet (Android 7) not connecting to ECU
on: April 10, 2020 (GMT)

Hmmm interesting. I’ll have to try it.

I honestly feel like it might be the adapter though. It keeps disconnecting about a minute from connecting. I also tried it in my other car and it wouldn’t even connect :(

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