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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Add PID from X-Gauge

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Author Topic: Add PID from X-Gauge
Posts: 3
Post Add PID from X-Gauge
on: February 25, 2020 (GMT)

Hi, just installed Torque-pro with ELM327.
All connects and reads stuff but not ECT (engine coolant temp.) or ATF (auto trans coolant temp) (and a bunch of other stuff) so looking to add/edit some PIDs.

The vehicle is an Isuzu MUX (like D-Max). My Inova scanner reads ECT and other stuff but not ATF.

Scangauge have X-Gauges for ATF and coolant temp, can this info be translated to Torque PIDs.

For instance for an X-Gauge
Gauge Auto Transmission Temperature ATF(1)
TXD 07E2221940
RXF 046205190640
RXD 3008
MTH 00010001FFD8

I see this is close to a GM PID, I worked out 07E2 is the header, 221940 is the OBD2 mode and PID. Testing I get data back but as the temperature is wrong I assume the equation A-40 is wrong, I get A=-1. Is there any info in the X-Gauge that might pertain to handling of the response.

Coolant temperature is similar with 2 options, data is returned intermittently with header 07DF, Mode+PID 0167. A=1 and equation A-40.
Isuzu models 2016 and newer
Gauge CT1 (FWT/CWT Fix)
TXD 07DF0167
RXF 044105670000
RXD 3008
MTH 00010001FFD8

Gauge CT2 (FWT/CWT Fix)
TXD 07DF0167
RXF 044105670000
RXD 3808
MTH 00010001FFD8

For D-Max, MU-X 2017 and newer use CT1 first and if does not work try CT2

Any guidance appreciated.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Add PID from X-Gauge
on: February 25, 2020 (GMT)

Try using 7E2 and 7DF for your headers
then post the raw hex responses.

A-40 is typical for °C and
A*(9/5)-40 for °F.

Torque will convert a recognized units
to the preferred units in settings.

For 0167, you should try looking at bytes
B and C as well.

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