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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Custom PID for mode6 misfire counters

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Author Topic: Custom PID for mode6 misfire counters
Posts: 4
Post Custom PID for mode6 misfire counters
on: November 16, 2019 (GMT)

Hi can somebody help me figure out how to get a display for the misfire counters reported in mode 6?

I have a VW and the only place I could find misfire counters is by using “Test Results” from the main screen in Torque. The misfire counters are reported as “MID:” $a2-$a5 (for the 4 cylinders) with for each “TID:” b & c for long term vs current drive cycle counters.

I figured out that I should be able to create a custom PID for these using eg “0602” as mode/pid. But can’t figure out the formula required to pull the counters from the data returned by the ECU.

Googled for hours but can’t find anything that helped me figure out the formulas. :(


Posts: 2996
Post Re: Custom PID for mode6 misfire counters
on: November 16, 2019 (GMT)

Have you tested 06A20C for a response?

There is a user F-150Torqued that has posted
about displaying mode 06 misfire data for
his Ford. Search this forum or maybe he will

Similar thread using mode 06…

Posts: 437
Post Re: Custom PID for mode6 misfire counters
on: November 17, 2019 (GMT)

Thank you Capp777 for the mention. And the links you provided @markdv are best I am aware of – and the link to the ‘.CSV’ file for Torque Custom Pid’s is still valid, the latest version.

I would just emphasize to @markdv that: I __ASSUME__ (with all associated risks with making assumptions) that Mode 06 reports must be fairly ‘universal’ across vehicle models and brands. Many OBDII readers seem to produce working Mode 06 reports – so this makes me believe my Mode 06 calls worked out on my Ford V8 will work for him AND universally.

HOWEVER, through all my efforts, I have well learned that all PIDs outside Hex Zero to about Hex 200 are not standardized – even within same brand and models. Thus, many of the neat gauges on your liked dashboards and ‘CSV’ files almost certainly will not work on anything but a Ford F150 V8, and then even between 2004 and 2008. That fact is very aggravating, but I have actually encountered PIDs that are assigned differently from my 2004 from an associates ‘identical’ 2004 F150 that was assembled in a different ford plant!!! So, beware if some (other than the Mode 06 ones) do not work.

BUT – this happens to highlight the ‘POWER’ of Torque. If you can find a specific PID for -YOUR- vehicle (with PID Scan, or the TEST screen or research), you can work out a formula and create a gauge for it!!!

Good Luck.



Posts: 4
Post Re: Custom PID for mode6 misfire counters
on: November 18, 2019 (GMT)

Thank you both for your replies.

I tried using ’06A20C’ as the custom PID but that resulted in NODATA. But ’06A2′ returned the data, just the ‘raw’ data including framing and all.

Long story short; by comparing the raw data with the counters Torque shows with the “Test results” function/screen I figured out which bytes I need. Using ‘(r13 < 8) + r14’ gives me the count for the current drive cycle (0c). r4 & r5 should be long term average (0b). So I learned about the “R” & “N” variables from one of the posts you linked. Is that documented anywhere? What’s the difference between R & N? And wondering if there are more hidden features I have yet to learn about… :)

Thanks again for your help.

Posts: 2996
Post Re: Custom PID for mode6 misfire counters
on: November 19, 2019 (GMT)

Variable addressing.
A, B, C… Z, AA, AB …


N0, N1, N2…

both begin at the data bytes only

Raw Addressing
R0, R1, R2…

begins at the header bytes.

There are many functions available that
are very useful for equations too.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Custom PID for mode6 misfire counters
on: November 21, 2019 (GMT)

I assume you mean the equations documented on (The page linked to from the PID editor.)

Is there more documentation?

Beyond what’s there I know know about the “R” & “N”, and I stumbled across how to reference other custom pids by name using ‘val{long name}’. But never seen any of this actually documented anywhere…

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