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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Feature requests

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Author Topic: Feature requests
Posts: 14
Post Re: Feature requests
on: July 1, 2020 (GMT)

1. Please make it possible to reduce the size of the ‘Reset Trip’ button widget. It only exists in large.

2. Can you please make it so that certain widgets show trends by colour? (eg the BATLVL widget as digital number should show in green if charging red if discharging)

3. For some values, having a graph shows too small, so I prefer the digital number display. yet, it would be good if a line graph could be overlaid in front to show the change of the value over time

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: September 5, 2020 (GMT)

Oil temp on W204 C220 cdi OM646 engine 2008modell. Can see this value ln xentry so the sensor exist but torque can’t see the temp for some reason.

Posts: 36
Post Re: Feature requests
on: September 28, 2020 (GMT)

Hi Ian Hawkins.
Yes, I also confirm that saving parameters in the program does not work.
After restarting the program, the value may be zero.
1. Ian Hawkins add a separate function for saving a parameter and writing values to the profile.
People have been waiting for it for 9 months!
2. you Need a cumulative function in which the parameter was accumulated and the value in it was not reset.
3. Also, another very necessary function: IF, THEN, OTHERWISE.


Posts: 29
Post Re: Feature requests
on: October 31, 2020 (GMT)

Did this thread/site get truncated before Nov 2019?
My feature request posts, likely prior to that have disappeared.
Version 1.10.120 (hopefully current) Torque Pro does not implement any of the requests. These were detailed, many of them simple to implement and would have improved UX.
e.g. off top of head;
remember last position in extended pids file so adding new pids does not require pages and pages of scrolling.
dont reset decimal places when change size.
add consistent re-size options for all guage types.
allow copy and paste of pids or groups to save time.

Is it worth even re-posting? is Torque Pro still actively developed?
I still use it quite often on multiple device and multiple projects. Would like to see it actively developed again.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Feature requests
on: November 6, 2020 (GMT)

Version 1.10.120 on Android 7 works fine. Same settings (checked step by step) for same Version 1.10.120 on Xiaomi Redmi Note9 pro, (android 10). But, the readings for Fuel used-fuel rem-fuel flow l/h are showing nothing. Lpk(avg)shows infinity. Fix it, if you please.
ps. No reply yet, means you can’t develope it any further for Xiaomi Android 10 ? Sad, if it’s true…

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: November 22, 2020 (GMT)

Add GM Camshaft Retard PID.

It looks like it can be done as custom pid:

Posts: 17
Post Feature requests
on: December 25, 2020 (GMT)


I read from 21xxx registers that returns a lot of data. As only one value can be extracted in one PID definition that means different calculations require a lot of repeated readings.

I suggest that when some register is read complete response from ECU should be stored until same PID is read again and being availabile for other custom PIDs.

for example when I read 21A08001 I get a lot of bytes and that should be stored in some variable (I suggest just add M in front of PID like M21A08001).

Then in some other custom PID I could use M21A08001 and get the same values as in first PID but without retriving them again from ECU

As you already store values prior calculations that should be fairly easy to implement (like just defining global variables) and using prefix like M it would also make it easy to use them in other custom PIDs.

This way all data could be processed with a single read from. As you read every PID once in a cycle that would be great and make really fast refresh rates.

Best regards, Alex

Posts: 2
Post Re: Feature requests
on: December 26, 2020 (GMT)

Quote from Mycque on June 16, 2020
How about oil pressure, if possible.


2005 Nissan Murano

Posts: 2
Post Re: Feature requests
on: December 26, 2020 (GMT)

Quote from admin on November 12, 2019

Here’s a list for the features you would like to see in Torque – these can range from new functions for the equation parser, to new types of dials, to other things!

(Updated Nov 2019)

I bought the app above others due to the web dashboard but it is not working. Is anyone working on the app anymore? Most of the wiki links are broken also. More support is needed for me to stay with it.

2005 Nissan Murano

Posts: 10
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 14, 2021 (GMT)

Exit Torque gracefully when ODB connection terminates.

I would love a setting to close Torque when disconnecting from the adapter.
Iat the moment I use Macrodroid to force Torque and Waze to close, but that doesn’t seem “nice” as it probably doesn’t let Torque shut down properly.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Feature requests
on: February 21, 2021 (GMT)

Is it possible to have a dial/button/etc on the realtime information which will insert an entry in the log file?

That would be extremely useful as a marker/bookmark. When you have an intermittent issue with the engine it would be very useful to insert a bookmark where the problem was spotted rather than spending ours to see if any of the parameters are out of target values…

Thank you

Posts: 4
Post Re: Feature requests
on: February 25, 2021 (GMT)

I’d be interested in seeing some way of showing and logging decibels using a phone’s microphone. An audio spectrum analyzer that shows the dominant frequency would be nice as well. These would be useful in detecting peak points of exhaust drone and showing the frequency of the resonance at the given RPM range at which it occurs.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 29, 2021 (GMT)

Hi @piemmm

It would be nice to have an EV profile option which doesn’t ask for fuel, displacement, tank capacity etc or even better has the EV equivalents.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 29, 2021 (GMT)

Please make kPa an option for (tire) pressure instead of automatically converting my kPa sensors into PSI/Bar neither of which is understood by most people in my part of the world.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: April 25, 2021 (GMT)

I would like functionality in a PID equation to construct a string so that Car Software version/part number can be displayed.

EV car user

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: May 2, 2021 (GMT)

Is it possible to add Android Auto support?

Would be great to see the dials also on my car info screen

Posts: 1
Post Broadcast graphics
on: May 4, 2021 (GMT)

Hi Ian

We broadcast live rally and have a camera in the cars, but we would like to add to the graphics a feed from Torque where you see the different meters from the OBDII unit.

I have looked around among all the apps you have created, but have not yet really found a good solution.

If the mobile phone connected to the OBDII device can publish the meters with a green background on a website, it would be best, but everything from pure XML feed to ready-made mobile online graphics is of interest.

What do you think about it, doable?

Posts: 19
Post Re: Feature requests
on: May 17, 2021 (GMT)

Quote from admin on November 12, 2019

Here’s a list for the features you would like to see in Torque – these can range from new functions for the equation parser, to new types of dials, to other things!

Hi Ian,

Would like to request support for an OBDii responses that includes the sequence 7Fxx78, as discussed in this topic: Extended PID help


Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests ECU Fault Log Output
on: June 28, 2021 (GMT)

Regarding : ECU Fault Log Output.

Currently generates No VIN:

Vehicle VIN: Not present
Vehicle Manufacturer: Unknown

Feature Request:

Add Vehicle VIN
Add Vehicle Manufacturer.

Providing complete ECU Log Report to Repair Shops/Insurance adds legitimacy to this Report. Leaving them “Not present” generates questions by those whom we present this Log Report to.

If not possible or to much work. Please allows us to MANUALLY input it somewhere in the Vehicle Profile so that it can be pulled from the profile when generating this report.


Use on a 2004 Toyota Prius and 2014 Toyota Highlander Hybrid

Posts: 1
Post Extend graphing duration
on: July 17, 2021 (GMT)

When using the graph widget, would it be possible to extend the time duration it plots over? Instead of 10 seconds, could it be 4 hours?

I would like to create a graph widget with elevation over time. I used to own a Mitsubishi with this graph available on the head unit, and I found it quite useful.

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