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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Extended PIDs BMW F11

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Author Topic: Extended PIDs BMW F11
Posts: 21
Post Re: Extended PIDs BMW F11
on: May 7, 2020 (GMT)

Mode 30 is part of the KWP2000 protocol and is inputOutputControlByLocalIdentifier, which would be things like “set idle speed”.

So the parameters mentioned above using sub function 01 would be reading the current value (e.g. target engine speed or an EGR valve position) and then there are other commands to change it.

It will be difficult to find out what they are without a diagnostic tool to reference as they will almost certainly be different across models, engines etc.

Deep OBD is a good app. It’s not user friendly at all, but has lots of functionality if you know what you’re doing.

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Extended PIDs BMW F11
on: May 8, 2020 (GMT)

Thank you, I looked Deep OBD.

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