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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Expanded PIDs for RAV4

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Author Topic: Expanded PIDs for RAV4
Posts: 21
Post Expanded PIDs for RAV4
on: September 5, 2019 (GMT)

I am convinced there are no files with expanded PIDs for the gen 4 RAV4. But someone may just prove me wrong. I especially need oil cooling data – engine and transmission – It seems like there should be about 4 sensors, but most of what I have found is for gen 3 and earlier.

Retired BSEE – still engineering everything.

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Expanded PIDs for RAV4
on: September 6, 2019 (GMT)

it will be possible to see, only you have to give me data from the terminal for some requests for ECU

Posts: 21
Post Re: Expanded PIDs for RAV4
on: September 10, 2019 (GMT)

please explain.
I currently have 2182 7e0 and A*(9/5)-40
I am getting a reading but I have no idea how accurate it is or even if it is the correct code for transmission oil temp.

Retired BSEE – still engineering everything.

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Expanded PIDs for RAV4
on: September 10, 2019 (GMT)

I have such data for the variator
PID: 2182
Long Name: CVT Oil Temperature
Short Name: TempCVT
Min: -40
Max: 150
Scale: x1
Unit Type: °C
Formula: ((((A*256+B)*(7/100)-400)/10)-32)*5/9

Posts: 21
Post Re: Expanded PIDs for RAV4
on: September 11, 2019 (GMT)

I have some strange results…….I set up 4 PIDs
all 2182 the result is shown on a digital gauge

((((A*256)+B)*0.07)-400)/10, units = F, header blank, result 84.4 C

(A-40)*1.8+32, units = F, header = 7e0, result = 85.0 C

A-40, units = F, header blank, result 29.4 C

A, units=F, header blank, result = 51.7 C

Why is the diff between A and A-40 = 22.3 when it should be 40?

Why are the gauges all showing C, and the #s agreeing with C?

My water temp is showing 83°C so I am assuming 85.0 C is a valid transmission oil temp.

Retired BSEE – still engineering everything.

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Expanded PIDs for RAV4
on: September 11, 2019 (GMT)

You can check when tomorrow morning start a cold engine and start to warm it in place, the engine temperature must rise much faster than the temperature of the oil CVT

Posts: 2996
Post Re: Expanded PIDs for RAV4
on: September 11, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from ruggb on September 11, 2019
I have some strange results…….I set up 4 PIDs
all 2182 the result is shown on a digital gauge

((((A*256)+B)*0.07)-400)/10, units = F, header blank, result 84.4 C

(A-40)*1.8+32, units = F, header = 7e0, result = 85.0 C

A-40, units = F, header blank, result 29.4 C

A, units=F, header blank, result = 51.7 C

Why is the diff between A and A-40 = 22.3 when it should be 40?

Why are the gauges all showing C, and the #s agreeing with C?

My water temp is showing 83°C so I am assuming 85.0 C is a valid transmission oil temp.

End Quote.

51.7°C = 125.06°F = A

125.06 – 40 = 85.07 = 29.48°C

Torque is converting your equation units
to your prefered settings units before its
displayed as configured.

I would expect…

A-40 as °C
A*(9/5)-40 as °F

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