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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Track recorder will not record

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Author Topic: Track recorder will not record
Posts: 1
Post Track recorder will not record
on: August 27, 2019 (GMT)

I see this is an old discussion but no info is available that pertains to a fix and no info at all as of recently.
When I turn track recorder on it instantly stops recording. I have changed the recording quality and nothing helps. I have thoroughly gone through all settings and cannot fix this problem. I am using my LG Q7+ with android 8.1.1 . This is one of the only features available that warranted the purchase of this app seen as most other apps cannot communicate with my Audi. Any help is hugely appreciated as I’ve been fighting with this for a few weeks now and am about to say the hell with it and ask for a refund and uninstall!

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