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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » e46 BMW CID Error

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Author Topic: e46 BMW CID Error
Posts: 5
Post e46 BMW CID Error
on: August 24, 2019 (GMT)

Car is a 2005 BMW 330i ZHP

I just ran the system check in torque and came up with this error shown in the picture

TID: $e4 CID:
Max: 304
Current: 22,817

I did a quick search and couldn’t find any information. Anyone have any ideas?

Posts: 64
Post Re: e46 BMW CID Error
on: August 26, 2019 (GMT)

These are errors you should check with a full-blown diagnostics device. BMW has some very specific error codes you can’t decipher with torque. From my understanding this message simply tells a “value-out-of-range” error. This can be a fluke or a serious sensor error.

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