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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » VW Pressure Upstream Throttle (Boost)

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Author Topic: VW Pressure Upstream Throttle (Boost)
Posts: 2
Post VW Pressure Upstream Throttle (Boost)
on: August 1, 2019 (GMT)


I’m using a custom PID to capture the pressure upstream throttle. Below is the PID info. It works fine however I can’t figure out how to adjust for Atmospheric and have it read zero instead 14.7 at idle. It’s not a huge deal I can just quickly subtract it in my head but my OCD won’t just let it lie at that. lol.

Name: Charge Pressure Actual
ShortName: Boost(a)
ModeAndPID: 0x22202a
Equation: (A*256+B)*0.1
Min Value: 0
Max Value: 414
Units: kPa
Header: 7.00E+00
Scale: 1


Posts: 2996
Post Re: VW Pressure Upstream Throttle (Boost)
on: August 1, 2019 (GMT)

Torque has a Baro() function that will
subtract the baro reading from your
vehicle, your phone or 14.6 depending
on what is available. (See Wiki links

MAP-Baro() assuming MAP is in PsiA to
read Boost.

Posts: 2
Post Re: VW Pressure Upstream Throttle (Boost)
on: August 1, 2019 (GMT)

Thanks. Sorry a bit new to this so still learning my way around. I saw baro() but wasn’t sure how to use that in\with my custom PID? I’m using the custom PID so I can read boost levels past 23 psi which is the limit of my MAP sensor. What i have works I just need to subtract the baro so that when I hit 26 psi it doesn’t read 40.

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