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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Random, not being able to press buttons

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Author Topic: Random, not being able to press buttons
Posts: 2
Post Random, not being able to press buttons
on: June 25, 2019 (GMT)


Not used torque for some time now, can’t even remember if I’ve used it on my new S10 (device in question) with Android 9… But went to use it the other day and the software loads all ok, connects to the BT adapter all ok (assume I have set this up before, and not that was restored from a backup) but I can’t tap any of the buttons (graph, error codes, etc) yet when I move my finger over these to turn the wheel they move all ok.

Did try searching forums but such a strange one couldn’t see the same issue.

Any thoughts?

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Random, not being able to press buttons
on: June 25, 2019 (GMT)


You’ve enabled full screen mode in the app (which isn’t supported on the version you have at the moment) – if you go into your phone settings, find the app in the app manager, and then disable forcing the app to full screen it will work fine again for you!

With it in fored full screen mode on the S10, the touchpoints for the icons are shifted slightly upwards above them – this is fixed if you disable forced fullscreen mode in your phones settings for Torque

Posts: 2
Post Re: Random, not being able to press buttons
on: June 26, 2019 (GMT)

Perfect thanks!

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