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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Support For Golo OBD2 WiFi Adapters?

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Author Topic: Support For Golo OBD2 WiFi Adapters?
Posts: 2
Post Support For Golo OBD2 WiFi Adapters?
on: April 11, 2019 (GMT)

Hi All.

I don’t know if any in here have the Golo WiFi adapters (i have both the black and the white models) but i do and it seems that Launch stopped supporting their app so both are now useless to me.
On top of that they weren’t exactly “cheap” so throwing them away and getting another model is not what i’d like to do.
Now i did purchase the Pro version of Torque in hopes it would support them but nada so i was wondering if there was any chance for that?

Thank you.

Posts: 1662
Post Re: Support For Golo OBD2 WiFi Adapters?
on: April 11, 2019 (GMT)

with the adapter the launch will not work Torque

Posts: 2
Post Re: Support For Golo OBD2 WiFi Adapters?
on: April 11, 2019 (GMT)

I know Torque doesn’t work with the Golo adapter, that’s why i asked if something could be done to be supported.

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