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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » torque in my website?

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Author Topic: torque in my website?
Posts: 2
Post torque in my website?
on: August 30, 2010 (GMT)

hello is possible with a code PHP and java, upload the .kml in my serveur FTP? (not but

Currently, I use PaderSyncFTP for send the files in my serveur but is not fabulous…

I want upload without PaderSyncFTP for automate transfert
sorry for my bad english, I am french

Salut c’est possible avec un code PHP ou Javascript d’envoyer les fichiers .KML directement sur mon serveur FTP? Pour voir directement l’evolution sur ma carte.
Actuellement j’utilise PaderSyncFTP pour envoyer le fichier (.kml) sur mon FTP pour le voir sur ma carte


Posts: 6633
Post Re: torque in my website?
on: August 31, 2010 (GMT)


It’s not possible to send via FTP directly from Torque at the moment unless there is another application installed on the handset that supports uploading .kml files by FTP though the use of intents.

A better solution would possibly be to use the web upload function(accessible in the settings) whereby you can ask Torque to upload each value as it is read from the ECU to your PHP script.

Some more information on realtime web uploads can be found by clicking the link and scrolling down a little

I know it’s a little extra work to implement (ready made KML files from Torque are handy), but it will let you do so much more with the data you have collected

At the moment, that’s all I can help with as I am deep in improving the ram usage of Torque at the moment as well as adding a couple of really cool features which is taking most of my spare time!

Posts: 2
Post Re: torque in my website?
on: August 31, 2010 (GMT)

thank you but what is the script php for receive the data in my serveur?

(in setting: I remplace the URL (serveur) and in my serveur I create the files torque.php with the script php?)
but not found the script for my files php

(Your software is very cool: :) )

Posts: 1
Post Re: torque in my website?
on: November 28, 2020 (GMT)

If I click the link, I only see an NGINX welcome page.
Does anyone has the .PHP script for me?

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