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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » New trips not showing on web viewer

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Author Topic: New trips not showing on web viewer
Mark M
Posts: 12
Post New trips not showing on web viewer
on: March 11, 2019 (GMT)

I’ve noticed that no new trip’s after 12th January are showing up on the web viewer.

The trips are logging on the phone just fine, and when I view the “adapter status” the “web upload status” shows no errors, no failed uploads but plenty of items sent.

With the phone in front of me now the total sent is going up and still no errors but also nothing on the web viewer.

Is there a problem with the web viewer? the older trips that are available still work fine it’s just nothing new showing up.

Mark M
Posts: 12
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: March 19, 2019 (GMT)

So, just me with this issue???

Posts: 2
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: March 19, 2019 (GMT)

Nope, you are not alone.
I’m not getting any upload.
The App says it is uploading, but nothing on the Webviewer.
I double-checked all my settings and everything is good.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: March 19, 2019 (GMT)

I wonder if your trips are being uploaded
to the new server mentioned in changlog
upcoming revision? (Upcoming beta

Posts: 2
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: March 19, 2019 (GMT)

I can’t find where they talk about a new server/beta version in the “changelog” section. Can you give us a link to the information or to the Beta version or to the new upload site. Thanks!

Posts: 2994
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: March 19, 2019 (GMT)

Ian updates the first post in the pinned
changlog thread whenever there is a
new release.

Mark M
Posts: 12
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: March 20, 2019 (GMT)

I have version 1.8.205 which I “think” is the beta version referred to although that is called 1.8.250

The web viewer I’m trying to use is the newer one, using email login and which is also heavily revamped from the earlier version. I have uploads going to it from 20/12/2018 to 12/01/19 and given that I haven’t changed anything my end I’m really hoping it is a problem with the web server but it would be nice to know for certain.

Mark M
Posts: 12
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: March 20, 2019 (GMT)

Changelog can be found here –

Posts: 2994
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: March 20, 2019 (GMT)

1.8.205 is current. Ian will be releasing 1.8.250
sometime in the future. Notice the line item
that mentions trip website.

Posts: 5
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: April 5, 2019 (GMT)


I would like to know the status of bug “new trips are not shown in

After Jan 30th 2019, I don’t see any trips listed on the viewer website

I can see the trips listed on Torque Pro mobile app -> Map View
Torque Pro mobile app version is from Oct 30 2018


passionate about technology

Posts: 5
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: April 5, 2019 (GMT)


I would like to know the status of bug “new trips are not shown in

After Jan 30th 2019, I don’t see any trips listed on the viewer website

I can see the trips listed on Torque Pro mobile app -> Map View
Torque Pro mobile app version is from Oct 30 2018


passionate about technology

Posts: 5
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: April 5, 2019 (GMT)


I would like to know the status of bug “new trips are not shown in

After Jan 30th 2019, I don’t see any trips listed on the viewer website

I can see the trips listed on Torque Pro mobile app -> Map View
Torque Pro mobile app version is from Oct 30 2018


passionate about technology

Posts: 5
Post Re: New trips not showing on web viewer
on: April 5, 2019 (GMT)


I would like to know the status of bug “new trips are not shown in

After Jan 30th 2019, I don’t see any trips listed on the viewer website

I can see the trips listed on Torque Pro mobile app -> Map View
Torque Pro mobile app version is from Oct 30 2018


passionate about technology

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