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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Change scale of dial?

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Author Topic: Change scale of dial?
Posts: 28
Post Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

My fuel rail pressure gauge reads up to 20,000 – so by the time you get all those numbers 8,000; 10,000; 12,000; 14,000 etc.) crunched into that small gauge they are all on top of each other and it is impossible to read. Is there a way to change the scale to something like .8; 1; 1.2; 1.4 etc.? Is this a property change or a formula or even possible?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

You could create your own pid and set the
scaling as needed.

Posts: 28
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

Again, I appreciate your taking the time to reply but I am so new at this I don’t understand what you are suggesting. (BTW, I have spent hours and hours and hours searching through this forum for my answers, to no avail.)

“You could create your own pid” – I don’t know how to do this. I thought ALL pid’s came from the car, and what you get is what you get? The closest thing I could find is this forum entry:
Mode and PID: Blank
Long Name: Relative MPG
Short Name: rMPG
Minimum Value: -20
Maximum Value: 20
Scale Factor: x1
Unit Type: MPG
Equation: [ff1201]-[ff5201]
OBD Header: Blank
Diagnostic Start Command: Blank
Diagnostic Stop Command: Blank
but there is no description of how/what is going on here.
“set the scaling as needed.” I also don’t see how to do this, hence my original question. :-)

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

Create your own custom pid…

Mode and PID: 0123
Long Name: Your Fuel Rail Pressure
Short Name: FRP
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 30.0
Scale Factor: x1000
Unit Type: kPa
Equation: ((A*256)+B)*10 or Int16(A:B)*10
OBD Header: Auto
Diagnostic Start Command: Blank
Diagnostic Stop Command: Blank

From main screen…

Menu>Settings>Manage Extra Sensors/PIDs

Menu>Add Custom PID

Fill in info.
Long Name must be unique.
Test for response.

Go back to your dashboard and add
display using its unique long name.

Posts: 28
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

Wow – thanks. I am trying to input the equation and get a red warning: “Infinite loop detected in equation – check syntax”
“Int16” is underlined if that helps…

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

There are two equations given for examples;
but you only need one.

Posts: 28
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

It sort of works – it goes wild and fluctuates all over the place non-stop. Values from 4k to 33k and the scale range changing with it, even at idle where the other FRP gauge is steady and reading properly. I tried both formulas just for kicks and both behave identically. The scale IS only 2 digits now, that’s good!

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

Sorry, I am only able to test offline.

For me I had to remove 0123 and use
an equation of 22000 to actually get it
to display.

The max value of 30.0 was probably correct
but it seemed to be ignored when I tried
other values.

There are several fuel rail pids… you might
check with Torque Scan to verify which one
is returning the data you see.

Beyond that if 0123 is correct you might try
averaging or filtering the equation.

Also long pressing the display on the dashboard
and setting its min/max might help prevent the

Posts: 28
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

I just tried that ( remove 0123 and use
an equation of 22000 )and got no reading at all. Sure would be easier if there were a way to adjust the scale of the existing dial. Do you have other ideas or maybe I’ll just have to create a mask to hide the scale?

Using this pid info works to change the existing dial:
#Fuel Rail Pressure

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

So 0123 is correct.

Long pressing the display then
selecting display configuration will
get you to another min/max that will
prevent the reranging I believe.

AVG(30:Int16(A:B)*10) might help with
the bouncing numbers by averaging the

EWMAF(0.01:Int16(A:B)*10) using signal

Val{Fuel Rail Pressure} to use Torque’s FRP
readings. (With Mode/Pid blank).

Just a heads up for a new user, some pid field
changes require deleting the existing display
and re-adding to see the changes.

You can also use the Display Configuration sub
menu to jump to the pid editor.

Posts: 28
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

“AVG(30:Int16(A:B)*10) might help with
the bouncing numbers by averaging the
readings.” – This definitely averaged it out, to the point where it seems to be very sluggish to respond to throttle input. Yet it still bounces around (less than before though) with weird numbers.

“EWMAF(0.01:Int16(A:B)*10) using signal
” – I don’t know what you mean by this – try this formula instead?

“Val{Fuel Rail Pressure} to use Torque’s FRP
readings.” – Also not sure about this – use in place of the formula?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

That’s correct. You can try …

Equation: Val{Fuel Rail Pressure}

to use the readings from Torque’s
FRP which is probably averaged/filtered
since in theory it reads from the same
pid 0123.

Since the data is coming from Torque’s
FRP, your pid’s Mode/Pid field should be
left blank.

For AVG, you can change the 30 to a lesser value
like 15 if it’s too sluggish.

EWMAF() is an exponentially weighted
moving average filter that is commonly
used by OEMs for filtering noisy/bouncy

The filter constant of 0.01 can be changed
to affect the amount of filtering used. It
ranges from 0.000 (more filtering) to 1.000
(no filtering).

Posts: 28
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

Equation: Val{Fuel Rail Pressure} – That did the trick! Behaves exactly like the original but with appropriate scaling numbers. Thank you so much.

I have lost the ability to customize the dial now though – even after deleting and re-creating it. Restart app, restart phone, etc. It is still using the original pid, right?

#My Fuel Rail Pressure
no longer has any affect?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

Your custom pid will be assigned its
own address. Use Torque Scan to see its
address then use it in properties.txt.

As a new user, I also suggest adding the
Track Recorder plugin as well.

Posts: 28
Post Re: Change scale of dial?
on: January 26, 2019 (GMT)

Thanks, will do. This virtual beer is for you!

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