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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Setting up Torque

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Author Topic: Setting up Torque
Posts: 11
Post Setting up Torque
on: January 21, 2019 (GMT)

Is there a bug of some kind?
When I was setting up the app to check my car there was a problem with 02 sensor 2.
When I went to add a display the list of available sensors (those in green) said there was no signal from that sensor and was a very dark green. But I added it as a dial anyway.
But I was surprised to find the dial showing 0.5 Volts even though the listing said there was “no signal from sensor”.
Is this a common problem with Torque?
Or is the ecu just assuming that if there was a signal it would be.0.5 Volts.
Don’t know if I have a problem with the actual sensor or Torque.
Can’t understand why it should display a reading if there’s no signal.
Any suggestions please?
Thanks in advance.

Posts: 642
Post Re: Setting up Torque
on: January 21, 2019 (GMT)

i don’t know the specific of you issue

but the value will show up even if you have a an issue ..since the sensor in the pcm is still measuring it

it’s telling you the value is wrong ..not that there is no value …

or in the worse case it would say 0

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