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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Track recording not fit full screen

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Author Topic: Track recording not fit full screen
Posts: 1
Post Track recording not fit full screen
on: January 8, 2019 (GMT)

Hello All

I am using the Torque Pro and Track recorder software and I love it.

On my old Galaxy S5, no problem at all.

Now im using it on Samsung Galaxy S8 and on the recording it has a big rectangle (on the right side) that use almost 1/5 of the screen and is grey,

Id try to use the app in non Fullscreen but same thing but the rectangle is just smaller and still missing a part of the screen…

Is someone could help!!! No 1 answer on GooglePlay :(


Posts: 4
Post Re: Track recording not fit full screen
on: January 10, 2019 (GMT)

I have the same problem and more
I also have torque pro and track recorder plugin on galaxy s8 (factory firmware).
WHen I click the record button, it changes from “not recording” to ” starting”, and then back to “not recording”.

Can someone please help?

Posts: 1662
Post Re: Track recording not fit full screen
on: January 10, 2019 (GMT)

Can you have in the settings of the phone there is a parameter of the type Display image to full screen or similar to this parameter

Posts: 4
Post Re: Track recording not fit full screen
on: January 29, 2019 (GMT)

Would you mind to clarify?
i have tried running it in both fitted screen mode and default mode and both would not record.

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