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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Needle/Max/Meter q's

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Author Topic: Needle/Max/Meter q's
Posts: 9
Post Needle/Max/Meter q
on: November 28, 2018 (GMT)

If using a .png for the needle, can you use a specific needle per dial? ex: needle_.png. Trying to account for various size dials using the same style of needle

The Yellow/Red carets on the dials.. How do you disable those? Are these ticks? Or are ticks a different concept? The ticks that I envision are part of the dial_background.png, so what concept does “ticks” encompass?.

How does one determine whether a dial uses a needle or a meter. If a meter how does one go about customizing the “meter” indicator

Posts: 9
Post Re: Needle/Max/Meter q
on: November 29, 2018 (GMT)

Testing as to whether my post show…

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