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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Trips webserver upgrade

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Author Topic: Trips webserver upgrade
Posts: 6629
Post Trips webserver upgrade
on: November 26, 2018 (GMT)


The trips webserver (and database) is being upgraded this week – this means that:

* Things are a *lot* faster on the new webserver (logins, getting data, etc)
* Updated software for viewing trips – I’ve fixed lots of bugs like units and extended character sets not showing properly.
* Maps are fixed after googles changes
* Better data export and trip viewing options
* More sensible scaling on the graph
* Can handle trips spanning days of higher frequency logging
* Older ‘ID’ methods of logging in have been retired as a password system is better.

After the webserver is upgraded there is a lot of work due out on the app as well (permissions updates as google now force the new permissions API for new updates)

Mark M
Posts: 12
Post Re: Trips webserver upgrade
on: December 6, 2018 (GMT)

Any news on how this is going???

Posts: 3
Post Re: Trips webserver upgrade
on: December 11, 2018 (GMT)

Hi piemmm, any ETA on when the webserver should be back online?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Trips webserver upgrade
on: December 14, 2018 (GMT)

Hi! Apologies for the delay – this took a little longer than expected!

The new version should be online now

It’s currently importing the data from the old SQL server (about 2 billion rows) so it may be a little slow and you may not see some trips until it’s imported them. New trips should appear immediately

You will need to register your user account again -this is because it’s a different type of database structure and the password hashing is also stronger (the old database is being destroyed once the import is complete) – it should be fairly straightforward to re-register your accounts

The old ‘id’ system is gone – you will need to set the ’email address’ field in the torque app settings for any new data you want to upload. For anyone using the uploads to their own server, the ‘id’ will remain, but will not be used in this server.

This is a new version – there may be bugs so let me know and I’ll try to get them sorted. I did fix a whole load of bugs from the old system (and implement suggestions!) so hopefully you should find it easier to use!

Posts: 1
Post Re: Trips webserver upgrade
on: December 15, 2018 (GMT)

What is the webserver url ?

Is it ?

I am getting a message that this site cant be reached.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Trips webserver upgrade
on: December 15, 2018 (GMT)

Hi yes, apologies – had to sort out an import issue this morning which meant shutting down the server (which you managed to try in the hour it was offline whilst I did some DB work) –

You may need to re-register your account again as the import was restarted due to a problem with the machine itself, though no trip data was lost it will be in the import queue again (it may take about 6 days to import all the data).

Mark M
Posts: 12
Post Re: Trips webserver upgrade
on: December 24, 2018 (GMT)

New web interface looks a million times better and is a lot friendlier to use too!

Still no sign of my old trip logs though unfortunately but no devastating loss for me if they don’t appear.

Out of interest, is there any way of re-uploading them from my phone if they don’t reappear?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Trips webserver upgrade
on: February 7, 2019 (GMT)

Hi, I think some problem on the website.
When I visit , I can’t show the map and any data.
On chrome developer tool, there is some messages like below.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘LeafletScaleControl’ has already been declared
at vaadin-flow-bundle-732e36dd10a5dd5.cache.html:6

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addEventListener’ of null
at HTMLElement.connectedCallback (vaadin-flow-bundle-732e36dd10a5dd5.cache.html:1)

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addEventListener’ of null
at HTMLElement.connectedCallback (vaadin-flow-bundle-732e36dd10a5dd5.cache.html:1)
at vaadin-flow-bundle-732e36dd10a5dd5.cache.html:7
at vaadin-flow-bundle-732e36dd10a5dd5.cache.html:7

Can you check the problem and handle it?

And last, thank you so much about the very useful tool Torque.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Trips webserver upgrade
on: February 15, 2019 (GMT)


as I can see, the server is still down. Is any new info about progress and when data would be available?


Posts: 16
Post Re: Trips webserver upgrade
on: February 16, 2019 (GMT)

Hi my thread and all my posts appear to have just been deleted or removed?

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