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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque app / Android Q

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Author Topic: Torque app / Android Q
Posts: 3
Post Torque app / Android Q
on: November 25, 2018 (GMT)

I have an old phone I want to set up as a dash panel so it comes up every time the phone is turned on.

Anyone know how to get Torque to open automatically and show s gauge panel when the phone is turned on?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Torque app / Android Q
on: November 26, 2018 (GMT)


You’ll need to use the ‘Dash settings’ part of the settings menu and also the ‘startup in dashboard’ setting in the ‘general settings’ part of the app

Ensure the phone has a USB connection for power (switched ignition)

Also enable the:

* ‘Start Torque on reboot’ option in the dashboard settings
* ‘Startup in dashboard’ option in the general settigns

(When you have things setup how you want)
* ‘Allow device to turn off’ (lets the ‘switched ignition’ (ie: charging, not charging) to turn the phone off when not in use. You may want to set your screen timeout as well in the android settings.
* ‘Use airplane mode’ (really conserves battery usage on the phone) when the ignition is off

Posts: 3
Post Re: Torque app / Android Q
on: November 26, 2018 (GMT)

Thanks! I’ll give that a try.

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